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Include Lines Based on Strings

This option enables you to define lines to be displayed, printed, or masked based on line contents. The screen in Figure 126 is displayed when you enter option 2 for view or print ruler. The screen in Figure 126a is displayed when you enter option 2 for mask ruler.

Figure 126 Include Lines Based on Strings on the Report Editing (Ruler) Screen

----------------  CONTROL-D - INCLUDE LINES BASED ON STRINGS  ----------(U.E.2)

COMMAND ===>                                                  Apply on header N

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

PLEASE FILL IN THE SELECTION STRINGS                                   13.02.28

The Include screen for view and print limits the records included in a report to those records containing specified strings in specified locations:

----------------  CONTROL-D - INCLUDE LINES BASED ON STRINGS  ----------(U.E.2)

COMMAND ===>                                                                    

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -                   

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -                   

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -                   

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -                   

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -                   

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -                   

STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -                   

PLEASE FILL IN THE SELECTION STRINGS                                   13.02.28

The Include screen for mask ruler limits the records included in the masking process to those records containing specified strings in specified locations.

A maximum of 20 different search strings, with line and column ranges, can be defined. Searches begin with the first include string specified and progress to the last Include string specified. Multiple include strings have an "OR" relationship: Once a line is matched to an include string, the line is included (and the specified color and highlighting applied); no further string searches are made on that line.

Include lines can contain logical comparison operators. The operators must start in the first column of the STRING field. The comparison is made character after character (it is not an algebraic comparison). The format of the comparison operators is as follows:

STRING ===> .op.string

Example 1


If the line contains the string OVERDRAWN (in the specified columns), the line is included in the report. The absence of a logical operator (for example, .LT.) means that "equals" is the implied logical operator (that is, an exact match is sought).

Example 2


If the line does not contain the string BALANCED (in the specified columns), the line is included in the report.

Example 3

STRING ===> .GT.   10000

If the line contains an amount greater than 10000 (in the specified columns), the line is included in the report. The comparison includes the three leading blanks.

Apply on Header

The Apply on Header field specifies whether the Include criteria should (Y) or should not (N) be applied to report header and footer lines, as follows:

Line Range Fields

The Line Range fields allow you to limit the Include search to a specific line range on each page as follows:

The defined range specifies line numbers within a report page, not line numbers relative to the whole report. For example a value of 010 refers to the tenth line on each page, not the tenth line in the report.

Line number values can be defined either in the format n or Ln. n may be any integer from 001 – 256. Line numbers are counted from the top of the page in format n and from the bottom of the page in format Ln.

Note: When a line range is specified, lines that are not within the specified range are included in the report.


If you specify a line range of 004–L03, only the fourth line from the top through the third line from the bottom is checked and they are included only if they meet the Include criteria. The first three and last two lines are not included in the check and therefore are included in the report.

Color the Line

If you fill in the color and highlight fields for the included string, the entire line is colored.

Note: Available only on terminals with seven-color support.

Table 111 Color Codes for Line Range Fields

















Table 112 Highlight Codes for Line Range Fields






Reverse video





The "Include Lines Based on Strings" option can be used for viewing the results of a job run. For example, it is possible to display only those lines containing step names with condition codes. It is also possible to include other lines, such as JCL errors, abend codes, NOT CATLGD 2, and so on.

This option can also be used to differentiate records by string content. For example, use one Include line to display records greater than $100,000 in red; use another Include line to display records greater than $50,000 in blue; and use a third Include line to display records greater than $10,000 in yellow.

Parent Topic

Editing (Reformatting) Reports