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Define Volume Ranges
  1. Specify the ranges of volumes used at your site in the following screen:

    Figure 5 Conversion to Control-M/Tape – Define Volume Ranges Screen

------------- Conversion to Control-M/Tape - Define Volume Ranges ------------


Define the volume ranges to be converted and assign the proper MEDIA        

type and VENDOR name for each volume range.                                 

Only the ranges defined here will be converted.                             


       Type YES to continue ===>                                             


Valid line options:  I Insert   D Delete                                    


       From      To        Media                                             

  Opt  Volume    Volume    Type        Vendor                                


       AAAAAA    BBBBBB    CART        STK                                   

       CCCCCC    DDDDDD    3490        MEMOREX                              

       000000    111111    TAPE        IBM                                   

-----------------------------> End of Volume Ranges <-------------------------








  1. Specify the following information for each volume range:

    Table 6 Volume Range Fields



    From Volume

    First volume serial number in the range.

    To Volume

    Last volume serial number in the range.

    Media Type

    Volume media type.


    Vendor of the media (Optional).

  2. When all volume ranges are specified, type YES in the field in the top portion of the screen and press Enter.

Note: If a volume in the CA-1 TMC is not within the ranges specified to Control-M/Tape, it is not added to the Media Database.

Parent Topic

Automatic Conversion Tasks