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Modify Conversion Parameters

Before running the conversion jobs, several conversion parameters may require modification to match your site standards. This screen asks whether you want to modify the default conversion parameters. If you enter Yes, the following screen is displayed:

Figure 3 Conversion to Control-M/Tape Default Parameters Screen

-------------- Conversion to Control-M/Tape - Default Parameters -------------

COMMAND ===>                                                               


  Vault Rule Prefix          ===> VMS                                       

  Retention Rule Prefix      ===> RET                                       

  Pool Rule Prefix           ===> POL                                       

  EDM Rule Prefix            ===> EDM                                       

  Rule Group Name            ===> CA1-RULES                                 

  Group User-ID              ===> CTTCONV                                    

  Rule Priority              ===> 00                                         

  Continue Search Indicator  ===> Y     (Y/N)                                

  Dataset Cycle Prefix       ===> N     (Y/N)                                

  Rule Mode Indication       ===> P     (P-Prod/T-Test)                     

  Rule Description:   ===> CONVERTED FROM CA1 RDS/VPDS CONTROL CARDS         




The default values for these parameters match standard CA-1 installation parameters. Modify these values only if it is necessary for compatibility with the conventions of your site (for example, rule naming conventions).

Table 5 describes the fields in this screen.

Table 5 Fields of the Conversion to Control-M/Tape from CA-1 Screen



Vault Rule Prefix

Prefix for Control-M/Tape vaulting rules generated from the CA-1 Vault Pattern Description dataset (VPD). The name of each Control-M/Tape vaulting rule is comprised of this prefix and a sequential number. Up to three characters can be specified for this field.

Default: VMS.

Retention Rule Prefix

Prefix for Control-M/Tape retention rules generated from the CA-1 Retention Dataset (RDS). The name of each Control-M/Tape retention rule is comprised of this prefix and a sequential number. Up to three characters can be specified for this field.

Default: RET.

Pool Rule Prefix

Prefix for Control-M/Tape pool rules generated from the CA-1 Scratch Assignment Rule member (TMONSMxx). The name of each Control-M/Tape rule is comprised of this prefix and a sequential number. Up to three characters can be specified for this field.

Default: POL.

EDM Rule Prefix

Prefix for Control-M/Tape EDM rules generated from the CA-1 EDM Assignments (member TMOEDMxx). The name of each Control-M/Tape rule is comprised of this prefix and a sequential number. Up to three characters can be specified for this field.

Default: EDM

Rule Group Name

Group name for Control-M/Tape rules created during conversion. A Group name is a descriptive name for a group of rules. Up to twenty characters can be specified for this field.

Default: CA1-RULES

Group User ID

User ID (OWNER) for Control-M/Tape rules generated during conversion. The OWNER field is mandatory for all rules and can be useful during implementation of Control-M/Tape security. Up to eight characters can be specified for this field.

Default: CTTCONV

Rule Priority

Rule sequence priority. The order in which the rules are scanned is very important for rule processing. Sequence priority controls the order in which rules are scanned. When Control-M/Tape searches for a rule, the first rule that matches the selection criteria is activated. Rule priority is determined in ascending order where blank < A < Z < 0 < 9. This field contains two characters. For details about order of rule processing, see the CA-EPIC/MVS conversion chapter of the Control-M/Tape User Guide.

Default: 00 (medium priority)

Continue Search Indicator

Value for the Control-M/Tape CONTINUE SEARCH field. This field determines whether or not Control-M/Tape searches for additional rules that match a dataset currently being processed. Specify Y (Yes) for this parameter to ensure compatibility with CA-1. Valid values are:

  • Y – Continue search. Default.
  • N – Do not continue search.

Note: The conversion tool creates separate rules for retention criteria, vault patterns, and pool assignments. Rule definitions of all three types may be created for a single dataset.

Rules are processed according to priority (see "Rule Priority" above), or according to the order in which they were loaded. During Control-M/Tape initialization (procedure CTTINIT), rule tables are loaded into memory according to their order in the RULLIST member. The Continue Search indicator must be set to Y to ensure that all rules for a dataset are applied. When Control-M/Tape implementation is complete (i.e., Control-M/Tape is running in Global Production mode), rule definitions can be merged for each dataset or merged into generic rules (using masks) to optimize Control-M/Tape performance.

Dataset Cycle Prefix

Indicates whether or not dataset names specified for datasets with CYCLE type retention must be used as prefixes that identify different generations (cycles) of the dataset. This parameter indicates the value for subparameter PREFIX in DO RETENTION statements of Control-M/Tape rules created by the conversion. It performs the same function for retention cycle control that CA-1’s SEPDSN keyword performs for vault control. For more information, see "DO RETENTION" in the CA-TLMS chapter of the Control-M/Tape User Guide. Valid values are:

  • Y – Consider datasets with the same prefix as different generations of the same dataset.
  • N – Ignore specified prefixes, and identify each dataset by its full name. Default. This value acts in the same way as CA-1 keyword SEPDSN.

Rule Mode Indication

Rule specific operation mode for rules created by the conversion. When a rule is executed in Test mode, information is recorded in the Media Database but Control-M/Tape does not perform any actions.

If TEST is specified for Control-M/Tape installation parameter MODE, all rules are run in test mode. Global Test mode overrides any rule specific production mode. It is recommended not to modify the default value (P) for "Rule Mode Indication" in this screen. Valid values are:

  • P – Production mode. Default.
  • T – Test mode.

Rule Description

A free-text rule description to be inserted in the DESCRIPTION field of each rule created by the conversion tool. This field can contain a maximum of 61 characters.


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Automatic Conversion Tasks