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Collect Information About your CA-1 Configuration

Use this automatic conversion screen to specify the version of CA-1 in use at your site. The Control-M/Tape conversion tool currently supports CA-1 versions 4.9 or later.

  1. Enter the version number and press Enter.

    The following screen is displayed:

    Figure 2 Conversion to Control-M/Tape from CA-1 Screen

-------------------- Conversion to Control-M/Tape from CA-1 ------------------

COMMAND ===>                                                               


Enter the following CA-1 datasets/libraries:                                


    CA-1 TMC dataset        ===> CA1.TMC                                    


    CA-1 LOAD library       ===> CA1.LOAD                                    


    CA-1 PPOPTION library   ===> CA1.PPOPTION                                


Enter your RDS and/or VPD dataset names (if in use at your site):           


    CA-1 RDS dataset        ===> CA1.RDS                                    


    CA-1 VPD dataset        ===> CA1.VPD                                    


Enter PPOPTION member names:                                                


    Parameters member       (TMOOPTxx)  ===> TMOOPT00                        

    Pool names member       (TMOSCRxx)  ===> TMOSCR00  (Optional)            

    Pool assignments member (TMONSMxx)  ===> TMONSM00  (Optional)            

    EDM assignments member  (TMOEDMxx)  ===>           (Optional            


  1. Use this screen to specify the names of CA-1 libraries, members, and datasets that contain information to be converted to Control-M/Tape format.

    Note: CA-1 PPOPTION members may be prefixed by U01 or TMO at your site, depending on the version of CA-1 from which you are converting.

  2. Press Enter to display the next screen.

Parent Topic

Automatic Conversion Tasks