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In this exercise, you will learn about the List of Variables screen INSERT option to insert a new variable into the Control-M/Analyzer database.

  1. Press PF03/PF15 to return to the List of Variables screen.
  2. Place the cursor in the OPT field to the left of variable INVAMT01, and type I.
  3. Press Enter to insert a new variable. The following screen is displayed with the variable name in the NAME field blanked out. Notice that other information about the variable, such as the group name, displayed in the GROUP field, description, displayed in the DESC field, and maximum generations, displayed in the MAXIMUM ACTIVE GENERATIONS field, is already filled in.

    Figure 7 Inserting a New Database Variable

------------------  CONTROL-M/Analyzer VARIABLE DEFINITION  ---------------(BV.S)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


| NAME                            GROUP INTRAC                                |

| CREATED  11/12/00 - 08:18:12    BY    M86       TYPE  O (B-BATCH,O-ONLINE)  |

| DESC     DAILY-INVOICES-DIVISION-1                                          |

| =========================================================================== |


| CURRENT ACTIVE GENERATIONS                                                  |

| OLDEST         DATE                                                         |

| LATEST         DATE                                                         |

| =========================================================================== |

| TYPE     VAR                                                                |

| MASK                                                                        |

|                                                                             |

============= >>>>>>>>> BOTTOM OF VARIABLE DEFINITION <<<<<<<<<<< =============








 PLEASE FILL IN VARIABLE DEFINITION                                    08.18.12

When you insert a new variable, Control-M/Analyzer copies the definition information from the Database Variable where your cursor had been positioned on the List of Variables screen. In this case, the information has been copied from variable INVAMT01. This feature allows you to save many keystrokes when you are creating a new variable from another variable that has a similar definition. Once created, you can modify the information in the new Database Variable as needed.

  1. Enter the variable name TOTAL1 in the NAME field.
  2. Press PF03/PF15 to exit this function. The following prompt is displayed:

    Figure 8 Insert Database Variable Exit Prompt

-------------------  CONTROL-M/Analyzer VARIABLE DEFINITION  --------------(BV.S)

COMMAN +-----------------------------------------------------------+  ===> CRSR

+----- |                 PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION                 |  --------+

| NAME |                                                           |          |

| CREA |     SAVE     CREATE                                       |  NLINE)  |

| DESC |                                                           |          |

| ==== |     VARIABLE TOTAL1                                       |  ======= |

| MAXI |                                                           |  CHICAL) |

| CURR +-----------------------------------------------------------+          |

| OLDEST         DATE                                                         |

| LATEST         DATE                                                         |

| =========================================================================== |

| TYPE     VAR                                                                |

| MASK                                                                        |

|                                                                             |

============= >>>>>>>>> BOTTOM OF VARIABLE DEFINITION <<<<<<<<<<< =============








 PLEASE FILL IN VARIABLE DEFINITION                                    08.18.12

  1. By entering Y in the CREATE field, you would actually create a new variable called TOTAL1 in the database. Because you do not require this variable, type N in the CREATE field and press Enter.

Parent Topic

Database Variables