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VIEW Option

In this exercise, you will learn about the List of Variables screen VIEW option.

  1. Press PF03/PF15, corresponding to the END command, to return to the List of Variables screen.
  2. Place the cursor in the OPT field to the left of the same variable INVAMT01, and type V.
  3. Press Enter to view this variable. The following screen appears with the associated generations, or versions, of the Database Variable INVAMT01:

    Figure 6 Generations of Database Variable INVAMT01

-------<G>-------- GROUP  INTRAC        VAR  INVAMT01             -------(BV.V)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O GROUP NAME --------- VARIABLE NAME ------ GENERATION ------------------------

 INTRAC               INVAMT01             000                               

   Value         : 367014                                                     

   User Key      :                       Run Id  :                            

   Creation Date : 08/08/00   12:03:48   By User : M66      Type : B          


  INTRAC               INVAMT01             001                               

   Value         : 367014                                                     

   User Key      :                       Run Id  :                            

   Creation Date : 08/08/00   10:58:37   By User : M66      Type : B          


  INTRAC               INVAMT01             002                               

   Value         : 367014                                                     

   User Key      :                       Run Id  :                            

   Creation Date : 08/08/00   10:55:59   By User : M66      Type : B          


  INTRAC               INVAMT01             003                               

   Value         : 367014                                                     

   User Key      :                       Run Id  :                            

   Creation Date : 08/08/00   10:34:10   By User : M66      Type : B          


OPTIONS:  U UPDATE D DELETE                                            08.16.35

In this example, INVAMT01 has the following four generations: 000, 001, 002, and 003. Each generation of INVAMT01 includes the following information: a value, displayed in the Value field, creation date and time each generation of INVAMT01 was created, displayed in the Creation Date field, and a user name for the user that created the variable, displayed in the By User field.

Note: Users with security clearance can update, delete or add information on this screen.

These multiple generations of the variable ensure that a Control-M/Analyzer rule can be rerun. Control-M/Analyzer can restore the data as it existed at a prior date and time (that is, an earlier generation of the variable) before a database update has occurred, providing an audit trail for the Database Variable.

You can create a new generation or edit an existing generation as necessary, as illustrated in Example Problems and Solutions.

Parent Topic

Database Variables