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Database Variables

The first facility discussed is the Control-M/Analyzer Database facility.

  1. Select option BV and press Enter. The Control-M/Analyzer Database Facility entry panel is displayed.

    Figure 2 Control-M/Analyzer Data Base Facility Entry Panel

---------- CONTROL-M/Analyzer DATA BASE FACILITY - ENTRY PANEL --------------(BV)

COMMAND ===>                                                                  




SPECIFY GROUP, VARIABLE NAME                                                 



GROUP    ===>                           (Blank for Group selection list)      


VARIABLE ===>                           (Blank for Variable selection list)   


                                        ("*" for Variable/Group prefix)       











USE THE COMMAND "SHPF" TO SEE PFK ASSIGNMENT                           08.09.34

In Control-M/Analyzer, work is organized into groups. A group usually contains Control-M/Analyzer balancing jobs and variables with a common purpose. A group is functional in nature, and helps reflect actual divisions in the workplace. Some group examples are: ACCOUNTING, INVENTORY, MIS_DEPT.

Use of groups within Control-M/Analyzer facilitates the work and provides several important features:

This guide now examines a subset of the Control-M/Analyzer database—a group defined for the example company, INTRAC.

Note: To provide a comprehensive and realistic illustration of Control-M/Analyzer rules, the examples in this guide use a fictional company called the Intelligent Transport Company (INTRAC). Any resemblance to actual organizations in existence is purely coincidental and unintentional.

  1. Place the cursor in the GROUP field.
  2. Type INTRAC.

    Figure 3 Control-M/Analyzer Database Group INTRAC

------------ CONTROL-M/Analyzer DATA BASE FACILITY - ENTRY PANEL ------------(BV)

COMMAND ===>                                                                  




SPECIFY GROUP, VARIABLE NAME                                                 



GROUP    ===> INTRAC                    (Blank for Group selection list)      


VARIABLE ===>                           (Blank for Variable selection list)   


                                        ("*" for Variable/Group prefix)       











USE THE COMMAND "SHPF" TO SEE PFK ASSIGNMENT                           08.09.34

  1. Ensure that the VARIABLE field is blank and press Enter.

    When the variable field is left blank, Control-M/Analyzer shows a list of all database variables defined for the group INTRAC.

    Figure 4 Control-M/Analyzer Database Facility List of Variables Screen


COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===>CRSR

OPT NAME ----------------------------------------------------------------------








===== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   NO MORE VARIABLES IN GROUP  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====













OPTIONS:  S SELECT   I INSERT   V VIEW     G GRAPH                     08.09.34

Notice the OPT field on the left side of the screen. Available options that can be typed in this OPT field are listed on the bottom of the screen. Each option performs an action on the associated database variable.

  1. Place the cursor in the OPT field, to the left of the field with variable name INVAMT01.
  2. Type S and press Enter to select this variable. The Control-M/Analyzer Variable Definition screen for the variable INVAMT01 is displayed.

    Figure 5 Control-M/Analyzer Variable Definition Screen

------------------  CONTROL-M/Analyzer VARIABLE DEFINITION  -------------(BV.S)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


| NAME     INVAMT01               GROUP INTRAC                                |

| CREATED  08/08/00 - 09:22:04    BY    N61A      TYPE    (B-BATCH,O-ONLINE)  |

| DESC     DAILY-INVOICES-DIVISION-1                                          |

| =========================================================================== |


| CURRENT ACTIVE GENERATIONS 0006                                             |

| OLDEST   -5    DATE 08/08/00                                                |

| LATEST    0    DATE 08/08/00                                                |

| =========================================================================== |

| TYPE     VAR                                                                |

| MASK                                                                        |

|                                                                             |

============= >>>>>>>>> BOTTOM OF VARIABLE DEFINITION <<<<<<<<<<< =============








PLEASE FILL IN VARIABLE DEFINITION                                    08.14.59

Table 2 Parameters that Define a Database Variable



Value in Example


A name for the variable.



The group to which it belongs



A description of the variable



The number of generations of data to maintain.


Note: The Maximum Active Generations keeps track of up to 1000 generations or versions of a variable. You may choose to keep multiple generations to be able to go back in time and recover data, or to reference multiple versions of data. For an example this feature see Problem 5: Check Weekly Database Amounts.

Control-M/Analyzer automatically maintains the other information in the parameters on this screen. For a description of the other parameters on this screen, or other screens throughout this guide, refer to the Control-M/Analyzer User Guide.

Parent Topic

Introduction to Control-M/Analyzer Facilities