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Other SELECT BY Fields

Additional entry panel SELECT BY fields are:

Table 16 Additional Entry Panel SELECT BY Fields




"Children" are other recipients whose reports a user may see. For example, if a sales manager has access to all the reports of the sales staff, the sales staff are considered the "children" of their sales manager. Valid values are:

Child is a Yes or No (Y/N) field:

  • Y (Yes) – Include children's reports in the Report list.
  • N (No) – Do not include children's reports in the Report list.

The inclusion of children may significantly increase the size of the Report list and therefore impact performance. You should not include children's reports unless you really need them.

The INCONTROL administrator defines which users are the children of other users.


Category is a user-defined classification of reports that enables you to select reports based on the value specified in the CATEGORY field. For example, if your site assigns reports to categories such as DAILY and MONTHLY, you can request to see only MONTHLY reports.

The assignment of reports to categories is the responsibility of the INCONTROL administrator. Ask your INCONTROL administrator about the categories used at your site.


This selection field is described in depth in Chapter 2 of your user guide and is only mentioned here briefly. REMARKS/CCs allows selection of reports based on job condition codes, end codes, or user remarks. For example, operations personnel may want to request the display of all jobs and reports that ended NOTOK, or that abended.


When requesting an Active or History User Report list, you can limit reports to the date range specified in the DATE FROM and TO fields. Dates may be specified as follows:

  • mmddyy or ddmmyy format, depending on the standard in use at the site
  • -n where n is the number of preceding days (any value from 0 to 365). A minus sign must be precede the integer. Example: –3 means three days ago.

Note: Specifying a FROM date without a TO date implies that the FROM date and TO date are the same.


When requesting an Active or History User Report list, you can limit reports to the time range specified in the TIME FROM and TO fields. Time format is hhmm using a 24-hour clock.

Parent Topic

Selection Criteria on the Entry Panel