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Selection Criteria on the Entry Panel

In previous chapters, you selected reports for viewing and printing from the Active User Report list.

The Report list provided with this demonstration has been kept short for reasons of simplicity. However, a typical Active User Report list may be many screens in length. Scrolling through such a Report list looking for a desired report can be very inconvenient. It would be more convenient if the Report list contained only the reports you need.

The entry panel lets you control which reports appear in Report lists by allowing you to specify report selection criteria. Reports are included in the Report list only if they meet the specified criteria.

Additionally, the entry panel enables you to specify various screen display options.

  1. Enter the Online Viewing facility and display the entry panel.
  2. Type DI ? in the COMMAND field and press Enter to open the Display Options window.
  3. Select Option E (All Fields - Control D) by typing S to the left of the option name.
  4. Press Enter to display all fields of the User Reports Entry Panel, as shown below.

    Figure 133 User Reports Entry Panel (Display Type E)

      -------------------- CONTROL-D  -  USER REPORTS ENTRY PANEL  ---------------(U)

      COMMAND/OPTION  ===>                     1. PERMANENT 2. ACTIVE  3. HISTORY

      SELECT BY:

         REPORT NAME  ===>                      Report name, prefix or mask

         USER         ===>                      Recipient name or prefix

         CHILD        ===> N                    Y-with children

         JOB NAME     ===>                      Job name, prefix or mask

         REMARK/ CCs  ===>                      Remark or CC of job

         CATEGORY     ===>                      Category or mask

         DATE FROM    ===>        TO            Report date or relative day

         TIME FROM    ===>        TO            Report time


         Decollated   ===> Y                    Wait decollation   ===> N

         Wait print   ===> Y                    Restored only      ===> N

         Printed      ===> Y                    Wait restore only  ===> N

         Not printed  ===> Y                    Wait backup only   ===> N


         Bypass panel ===> N                    Show rulers        ===> N

         Display type ===> D                    Show control chars ===> Y


In addition to the COMMAND field, in which the desired kind of Report list (Active, History or Permanent) is specified, entry panel fields are divided into the following basic groups:

Parent Topic

Entry Panel Fields