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The entry panel SELECT BY fields are shown below. This exercise discusses the REPORT NAME, USER, and JOB NAME fields.

Figure 134 SELECT BY Fields


    REPORT NAME   ===>                       Report name or prefix or mask

    USER          ===>                       Recipient name or prefix

    CHILD         ===> N                     Y-with children, N-user only

    JOB NAME      ===>                       Job name or prefix or mask

    REMARK / CCs  ===>                       Remark or CC of job

    CATEGORY      ===>                       Site-defined category or mask

    DATE FROM     ===>        TO             Report date

    TIME FROM     ===>        TO             Report time

Table 15 Report Name, User, and Job Name Fields in the Entry Panel




Every report has a name. If there is an entry in this field, only reports with names that match the specified name, prefix, or mask are included in the Report list.


All reports are assigned to specific users. If there is an entry in this field, only reports assigned to the specified user (name or prefix) are included in the Report list.


All reports are generated by jobs. If there is an entry in this field, only reports generated by the specified job (name, prefix, or mask) are included in the Report list.

A prefix is a specified string of characters to be matched against the actual name, beginning with the first character.

Mask characters are symbols that can be used in specified values to represent any characters in the actual values:

Prefixes are demonstrated in the following steps.

  1. Specify the entry panel selection criteria shown below and press Enter.

    Figure 135 Specifying Entry Panel Selection Criteria

    -------------------- CONTROL-D  -  USER REPORTS ENTRY PANEL ----------------(U)

    COMMAND/OPTION  ===>                       1. PERMANENT  2. ACTIVE   3. HISTORY



        REPORT NAME   ===> EMP*                  Report name or prefix or mask

        USER          ===> DEMO                  Recipient name or prefix

        CHILD         ===> N                     Y-with children, N-user only

        JOB NAME      ===>                       Job name or prefix or mask

        REMARK / CCs  ===>                       Remark or CC of job

        CATEGORY      ===>                       Site-defined category or mask

        DATE FROM     ===>        TO             Report date

        TIME FROM     ===>        TO             Report time

    The Active User Report list is displayed as follows.

    Figure 136 Active User Report List Screen after Specification of Entry Panel Selection Criteria

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP EMP                  USR DEMO           (U)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS

      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18   G Decollated

      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MARKETING  05/05/00      3      131 V T Decollated

      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-DEVELOPMEN 05/05/00      1       10     Decollated

      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-PRODUCTION 05/05/00      3      169     Decollated

    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

    By entering EMP* in the REPORT NAME field, only reports with names that begin with EMP are included in the Report list.

    Note: EMP* appears in the REP field and DEMO appears in the USR field in the top line of the screen.

  2. Press the END key (PF03/PF15) to display the entry panel.
  3. Specify additional entry panel selection criteria as follows.

    Figure 137 Further Entry Panel Selection Criteria

    -------------------- CONTROL-D  -  USER REPORTS ENTRY PANEL ----------------(U)

    COMMAND/OPTION  ===>                       1. PERMANENT  2. ACTIVE   3. HISTORY



        REPORT NAME   ===> BANK*                 Report name or prefix or mask

        USER          ===> DEMO                  Recipient name or prefix

        CHILD         ===> N                     Y-with children, N-user only

        JOB NAME      ===>                       Job name or prefix or mask

        REMARK / CCs ===>                        Remark or CC of job

        CATEGORY      ===>                       Site-defined category or mask

        DATE FROM     ===>        TO             Report date

        TIME FROM     ===>        TO             Report time

  4. Press Enter.

    The Active User Report list contains one listing.

    Figure 138 Active User Report List after Selection Criteria Specified

    ACTIVE LIST    - JOB          REP BANK*                USR DEMO           (U)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS

      DEMO     BANKING REPORT       05/05/00      5      256     Decollated

    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

  5. Press the END key (PF03/PF15) to display the entry panel.

Parent Topic

Selection Criteria on the Entry Panel