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Changing Report List Display Types

Different display types in the Report List screens contain different combinations of fields, depending on the intended usage and audience of the display type. Each display type is represented by a one-letter code.

The current display type can be changed by entering the DISPLAY command (abbreviated DI), followed by the display type code, in the COMMAND field of the Report List screen. You can also display a list of available display types by entering DI ? in the COMMAND field.

  1. Type DI U in the COMMAND field and press Enter to display the User display type.

    Figure 117 User Display Type - Active User Report List

    ACTIVE LIST    <U> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO     CHILD (U)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    O REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V COP STATUS            REMARK

      INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V 001 Decollated              

      EMPLOYEES-MANAGEMENT 05/05/00      1       18 V 001 Decollated              

      EMPLOYEES-MARKETING  05/05/00      3      131 V 001 Decollated              

      EMPLOYEES-DEVELOPMEN 05/05/00      1       10 V 001 Decollated              

      EMPLOYEES-PRODUCTION 05/05/00      3      169 V 001 Decollated              

      BANKING REPORT       05/05/00      5      256 V 001 Decollated              

    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======













    P PRINT     V VIEW     U UPDATE     I INSERT     A ADD INFO     E EDIT        

    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       13.55.45

    Note the following about the User display type:

  2. Display the list of available display types by typing DI ? in COMMAND field and pressing Enter.

    A window with the list of available display types is displayed.

    Figure 118 Available Display Types List Window

    ACTIVE LIST    <U> JOB          REP                      USR DEV      CHILD (U)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    O REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V COP STATUS            REMARK

      INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V 001 Decollated              

      EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18   001 Decollated              

      EMPLOYEES-MARKETING  05/05/00      3      131 V 001 Decollated              

      EMP+-------------------------------+       10   001 Decollated              

      EMP|        DISPLAY OPTIONS        |      169   001 Decollated              

      BAN| CMD ==>           SCROLL CRSR |      256   001 Wait print              

    =====|  O ID DESCRIPTION             |  O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

         |    Q  Bypass Panel Q style    |                                       

         |    D  Administrator style     |                                       

         |    S  Job report list         |                                       

         |    O  Old style               |                                       

         |    A  Full Style              |                                       

         |    J  Job summary style       |                                       

         |    U  User-oriented style     |                                       

         |    B  Job summary style       |                                       

         |    P  Job summary style       |                                       

         | =======>>> BOTTOM <<<======== |                                       

         |                               |                                       

         | SELECT OPTION                 |                                       

    P PRI+-------------------------------+INSERT     A ADD INFO     E EDIT        

    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       12.53.21

    Available predefined display types are described in the online facilities chapter of the Control-D and Control-V User Guide. Your site can customize these display types and/or create other display types during installation.

    The window lists possible display options (IDs) and their descriptions. Note that the window also has an OPTION (O) field. This window enables you to change display types, without entering the DISPLAY command in the Report List screen.

    Note: You can also close the window by pressing END (PF03/PF15), without making a selection.

  3. Type S (Select) in the OPTION field next to the D display type ID in the window, and press Enter.

    The window is closed and the Default display type is redisplayed.

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