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Statuses on the Report List

In previous chapters, you learned how to view, print and restore reports. A field that directly impacts these actions is the STATUS field.

Figure 116 Status Field

ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


  DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     03/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated

The STATUS field indicates the current processing stage of the report.

In the Active User Report list, the following statuses are possible:

Table 12 Statuses of the Active User Report List Screen



Wait restore

This status is assigned to a report when you request a restore.

Wait decollation

The report has not yet been processed by Control-D.


The report has been processed by Control-D and is available for Online viewing. It does not get printed unless specifically requested by the P (Print) option.


The same as Decollated, except that an error or problem occurred during processing.

Wait print

Deferred printing of the report (discussed later in this chapter) has been requested, but the report has not yet been printed.


The report has already been printed by deferred printing.

Not printed

The report is scheduled for printing, but for some reason either does not print or only partially prints.

Wait Bkp

The report is no longer needed for Online viewing. It is waiting to be backed up, after which it will automatically be deleted from the Active User Report list.


The report has been restored from tape or cartridge by using History User Report list options.

Note: You can view or print a report that has any status in the Active User Report list except a report that has the status Wait decollation.

In the History User Report list, the following statuses are possible.

Table 13 Statuses of the History User Report List Screen



Backed up

This status is assigned to a report when it is backed up from the Active User Report list.

Wait restore

This status is assigned to a report when you request a restore.


This status is assigned to a report after it has been restored. This status appears in both the History and the Active User Report lists.

Parent Topic

Report List Screens