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Survey Methods

There are several different approaches you can use to conduct the survey. BMC suggest that you use the actual reports to carry the information to the user. You can do this on the banner pages of Control-D by printing a survey form on one of the banner pages. You can ask the users to identify which reports they do not require. You can use the user banner page to target each Control-D recipient (user banner page).

Some sites use emotional ploys to try to achieve a better response to the survey, perhaps by printing the cost of each bundle on the report or by associating the survey with environmental messages. Extra pressure to respond to the survey can be added by the super users.

Example Messages:

The survey form may ask the users simply to identify which reports on the index page they do not require, sign, and return the page to the Control-D implementation team. Remember that you have full control over the format of the banners and any designs or messages that you want them to carry. It is important to publicize the survey. You can do this through the super users. The more publicity the survey gets, the better the survey response will be.

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