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Vaulting Volumes

Option V enables you to indicate that the specified volumes should be either vaulted immediately, or sent to the specified vault during the New Day procedure (deferred vaulting). Specifying this option opens the Vault confirmation window.

Volumes to be vaulted during the New Day procedure (meaning, not immediately) are assigned a status of "Pend-Vault" until after the vaulting is performed.

If the specified volume was previously recalled (option R), the volume is returned to the vault from which it was recalled. Otherwise, the volume is sent to the vault only if no vaulting pattern was specified.

If a multi-volume chain is vaulted, all related volumes in the chain are vaulted as well.

Figure 78 Vault Volumes Confirmation Window

DATABASE LIST < V / V > --------------------------------------------------(TI)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


    CCC001                +---------------------------------------+ Active

    CCC002                | VAULT NAME:          DAYS: 0001    | Active

    CCC003                | IMMEDIATE   N (Y/N)   GROUP Y (Y/N) | Active

V CCC004         <----- | CONFIRM       (Y/N)                  | Active

    CCC005                +---------------------------------------- Active

    CCC006          CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active

    C00001          CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Act-PVlt

    D00001          CART         ***      01/09/00   0002 MAINLIB Act-PVlt

    EE0001          CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active

    EE0002          CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active

    EE0003          CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active

    EE0004          CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active

    EE0005          CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active

    EE0006          CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active

    EXT001          3490         ***                0001 MAINLIB Ext-Active

    EXT002          CART       01/01/00             0001 MAINLIB Ext-Active

    EXT003          CART         ***                0001 MAINLIB Ext-Active

    EXT004*      001 TAPE         ***                0001 MAINLIB Ext-Active

    EXT005*      002 CART         ***                0001 VAULT2   Ext-Vault

    EXT006*      003 CART         ***                0001 VAULT2   Ext-Vault

USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                            11.57.40

The following fields are displayed in the Vault confirmation window:

Table 99 Fields of the Vault Volumes Confirmation Window




Name of the vault to which to send the volumes. Mandatory.


Number of days the volumes should remain in the vault. Mandatory.


Whether the volume should be vaulted immediately. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Vault the specified volume immediately.
  • N (No) – Defer vaulting until the next time the New Day procedure is run. Default.


Whether other volumes in the same multi-volume chain as the specified volume should be vaulted. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Vault all volumes in the multi-volume chain. Default.
  • N (No) – Vault only the specified volume.


Confirmation of vault operation. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Volume is vaulted.
  • N (No) – Volume is not vaulted.

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