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Returning Borrowed Volumes (Back-In-Lib)

Option B (Back-In-Lib) enables you to return the specified borrowed volumes to the active library. Specifying this option opens the following confirmation window:

Figure 77 Returning Borrowed Volumes (Back-In-Lib) Confirmation Window

DATABASE LIST < B / VD > --------------------------------------------------(TI)

  COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

  O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE    RETENTION  STATUS

    RKL006                                                               Active

     AFILE                +-----------------------+01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active

     AFILE                |   GROUP       (Y/N)   |01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active

  B RKL007         <----- |   CONFIRM     (Y/N)   |                      Act-Out

     AFILE                +-----------------------+01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active

     AFILE                                         **/**/**   CYCL 003   Active

    VER001                                                    06/06/00   Pend-Scr

     ACC.RS.TE.FF.ACC18.A.RCC70V00                 01/01/00   06/06/00   Pend-Scr

    VER003                                                    12/12/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHK.KEE23V00       01/01/00   12/12/00   Active

    VER005                                                    02/02/00   Vaulted

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RSSN.V3322276.BAT3005       01/01/00   02/02/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0559V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0558V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0557V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0556V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0555V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0554V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0553V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0552V00               01/01/00   02/02/00   Active

USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                            11.05.09

The following fields are available in the Back-in-Lib confirmation window:

Table 98 Fields of the Back-in-Lib (B) Confirmation Window




Whether you want the entire multi-volume group of the volume to be checked out. This field will be locked for editing if one of the volumes of that multi-volume group does not have Out status for the check-out operation.


Confirmation of back-in-lib operation. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Volume is back in the library.
  • N (No) – Volume is not back in the library.

After the return is performed, the status of the volume is returned to Active.

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