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Recalling Volumes

Option R can be used to return a specified volumes to the MAINLIB library for a certain number of days (or indefinitely), after which the volume is returned to its current vault (the vault at time of recall).

Recall can be executed immediately, or it can be deferred until the next time vault management is performed during the New Day procedure. When a deferred recall is requested, the volume is assigned a status of Vault-Recall until the next time the New Day procedure is run.

If the specified volume is part of a multi-volume chain, the other volumes in the chain can optionally be recalled together with the specified volume (see parameter GROUP, described below).

When the recall option is specified, the following confirmation window is opened:

Figure 79 Recall Volumes Confirmation Window

DATABASE LIST < V / V > --------------------------------------------------(TI)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


    EE0006          CART         ***      01/07/00   0001          Active

    EXT001          3490         ***                0001 MAINLIB Ext-Active

    EXT002                +---------------------------------------+ Ext-Active

    EXT003                | PERMANENT   N (Y/N) DAYS:   0001    | Ext-Active

    EXT004*      0       | IMMEDIATE   N (Y/N) GROUP   Y (Y/N) | Ext-Active

R EXT005*      0 <----- | FREE SLOT   N (Y/N) CONFIRM   (Y/N) | Ext-Vault

    EXT006*      0       +---------------------------------------+ Ext-Vault

    EXT007          CART         ***                0001 MAINLIB Ext-Active

    EXT008*      001 CART         ***                0001 MAINLIB Ext-Active

    EXT009*      002 CART         ***                0001 MAINLIB Ext-Active

    EXT010*      001 CART         ***                0001 MAINLIB Ext-Active

    EXT011*      002 CART         ***                0001 MAINLIB Ext-Active

    EXT012          3490       11/01/00             0000 MAINLIB Ext-Active

    EXT013*      001 3490       11/01/00             0001 MAINLIB Ext-Active

    EXT014*      002 3490       11/01/00             0001 MAINLIB Ext-Active

    MOMO03          3490         ***      12/11/00   0001 VAULT1   Vault-Manual

    N00001          CART       01/01/00   01/07/00   0001          Active

    QQQQ02          3490       PERMANENT             0000 MAINLIB Ext-Active

    VVV001          CART       01/01/00   01/07/00   0001          Active

    VVV002          CART       01/01/00   01/07/00   0001          Active

USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                           14.00.34

The following fields are included in the Recall confirmation window:

Table 100 Fields of the Recall Volumes Confirmation Window




Whether the volumes should be permanently recalled to the MAINLIB library. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Recall the specified volumes permanently.
  • N (no) — Recall the volumes for only the specified number of days. Default.


Number of days the volumes should remain in the MAINLIB library temporarily. Mandatory if the PERMANENT field is set to N.


Request for the recall operation to take effect immediately. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Recall is immediate.
  • N (No) — Recall is deferred. Default.


Whether the other volumes in the same multi-volume chain as the specified volume should be recalled. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Recall all the volumes in the multi-volume chain. Default.
  • N (No) — Recall only the specified volume.


Whether to free the slot formerly occupied by the recalled volume. This parameter is mandatory if the PERMANENT field is set to N. (If PERMANENT is set to Y, the slot is always freed.) Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Free the slot occupied by the specified volume. On return to the vault the volume is assigned a new slot number.
  • N (No) — Save the slot for this volume. Default. The volume is returned to this slot the next time it is vaulted.


Confirmation of recall operation. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Volume is recalled.
  • N (No) — Volume is not recalled.

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