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General Information

The DO PRINT statement specifies data strings to be included in the Control-M/Analyzer Rule Activity report (that is generated after each Control-M/Analyzer invocation) and in the SYSUSER file (that is part of the sysout of the job that invoked the rule). The printed data can be formatted and/or directed to a file referenced by DD statement SYSUSER or an alternative DD statement. For more information, see Dynamic Print Formatting Facility.

The Rule Activity report also includes automatically generated system data. It can be viewed online by selecting the R (Report) option for the associated rule in the Rule Activity display (screen BA). For more information, see Rule Activity Display Facility.

All types of Control-M/Analyzer variables can be embedded in the DO PRINT data string. Variables containing %% are resolved (replaced) at time of rule execution.

Statement DO PRINT can print long strings with the following syntax:

DO PRINT=%%long-string-variable

where long-string-variable is the name of a long string variable such as SYSCURLINE, SYSLSTR1, SYSLSTR2, and so on.

This syntax for long string variables supports the OUTDD parameter but does not support concatenation with other strings or literal constants.

Parent Topic

DO PRINT: Automated Balancing Statement