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Action Parameters: DO Statement

Action parameters (DO statements) specify actions to be performed by Control-M JCL Verify. These actions are performed only after conditions specified in the Event Selection parameters have been fulfilled.

The following figures show typical screens with Action parameters.

Fig.JV.3.18 Action Parameters for Site Standards

 | =========================================================================== |

 | DO MSG      TYPE I RULE RULE1 TABLE:ILYA                                    |

 | DO SET      %%A = LINE2                                                     |

 | DO MSG      TYPE I RULE RULE1 LINE2                                         |

 | DO                                                                          |

 | =========================================================================== |

 |                      D O  T Y P E S:                                        |

 |                                                                             |

 |  IF       ELSE       RETURN       ENDIF       SET         MSG       REXX    |

 |  WHILE    ENDWHILE   ADJMSG                                                 |

Fig.JV.3.19 Action Parameters for Reformatting

 | DO                                                                          |

 | =========================================================================== |

 |                       REFORMATTING   D O   T Y P E S:                       |

 |                                                                             |


 |  IF        ELSE      ENDIF   WHILE    ENDWHILE                              |

Fig.JV.3.20 Action Parameters for Enforcement

 | DO                                                                          |

 | =========================================================================== |

 |                        ENFORCEMENT  D O  T Y P E S :                        |

 | ENFORCE                    IAFTER                     IBEFORE               |

 | DELREC                     IF                         ELSE                  |

 | RETURN                     ENDIF                      SET                   |

 | MSG                        REXX                       ICMNTB                |

 | ICMNTA                     REPCMNT                    DELCMNT               |

 | WHILE                      ENDWHILE                                         |

At least one DO statement must be specified in a rule. Note that the DO IF, DO ELSE and DO ENDIF statements provide Boolean "IF" logic capability, allowing for alternative actions to be performed. In addition, the DO WHILE and DO ENDWHILE statements enable use of repetition (loop) logic, allowing for repeated DO actions for as long as a specified condition is met.

A list of allowable DO options is displayed in the DO TYPES section under the Action parameters section of the Rule Definition screen. The DOOPT command can be used to alternately hide or display this list.

To delete a DO statement, place the cursor on the first letter in the DO field and press the EOF key on your keyboard or blank the field.

Parent Topic

Rule Definition Screen