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Rule Definition Screen

This screen is used to define, display and modify various rule parameters (such as those for a message, string, command, or event). The rule parameters determine Control-M JCL Verify selection and action management. This screen can be entered directly from the entry panel or from the Rule List screen.

The following rule definition screens are available:

Some parameters can be specified multiple times in a definiton screen. Whenever you fill in the last occurrence of the parameter on the screen, Control-M JCL Verify adds a new empty occurrence of the parameter that can be filled in. The only limit to the number of occurrences is the region size available for the application. The following parameters can be specified multiple times:

The rule parameters can take up more than one screen.

To delete a parameter on the screen, erase it (press the EOF key, or blank it out). If additional operations are required, Control-M JCL Verify issues appropriate instructions.

The rule parameters are divided into the following basic groups:

For a detailed explanation of each rule parameter, see Parameter Descriptions.

Fig.JV.3.8 Site Standards Rule Definition Screen

 - CONTROL-M/JCLVERIFY  RULE:  TESTENV                           TABLE: TABLE1

 COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


 | RULE             ENVIRONMENT             PRIORITY       CONTINUE SEARCH     |

 | DESC                                                                        |

 | DESC                                                                        |

 | =========================================================================== |

 | JOBNAME                                                                     |

 | LIBRARY                                              MEMBER                 |

 | SCHDLIB                                              SCHDTAB          O/N   |

 | =========================================================================== |

 | ON                                                                          |

 | =========================================================================== |

 |                      O N  T Y P E S:                                        |

 |                                                                             |

 |  INIT                   END                                                 |

 |  JOB                    INCLUDE                    JCLLIB                   |

 |  EXEC                   PROC                       STEPEND                  |

 |  DD                     DDSYSIN                    DDSYSOUT                 |

 | =========================================================================== |

 | DO                                                                          |

 | =========================================================================== |

 |                      D O  T Y P E S:                                        |

 |                                                                             |

 |  IF       ELSE       RETURN       ENDIF       SET         MSG       REXX    |

 |  WHILE    ENDWHILE   ADJMSG                                                 |

 ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF RULE DEFINITION PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====




Fig.JV.3.9 Reformatting Rule Definition Screen


 COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR



 | DESC                                                                        |

 | DESC                                                                        |

 | =========================================================================== |

 | JOBNAME                                                                     |

 | LIBRARY                                              MEMBER           O/N   |

 | =========================================================================== |

 | ON JOB           CLASS         PRTY          USER                           |

 | ACCOUNT                                                               O/N   |

 | =========================================================================== |

 |                       REFORMATTING   O N   T Y P E S:                       |

 |                                                                             |

 |  JOB                       INCLUDE                    JCLLIB                |

 |  EXEC                      DD                         PROC                  |

 | =========================================================================== |

 | DO                                                                          |

 | =========================================================================== |

 |                       REFORMATTING   D O   T Y P E S:                       |

 |                                                                             |


 |  IF       ELSE      ENDIF   WHILE    ENDWHILE                               |

 ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF RULE DEFINITION PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====




Fig.JV.3.10 Enforcement Rule Definition Screen


 COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR



 | DESC                                                                        |

 | DESC                                                                        |

 | =========================================================================== |

 | JOBNAME                                                                     |

 | LIBRARY                                              MEMBER                 |

 | =========================================================================== |

 | ON                                                                          |

 | =========================================================================== |

 |                        ENFORCEMENT  O N  T Y P E S :                        |

 |                                                                             |

 |  INIT                   END                                                 |

 |  JOB                    INCLUDE                    JCLLIB                   |

 |  EXEC                   PROC                       STEPEND                  |

 |  DD                     DDSYSIN                    DDSYSOUT                 |

 | =========================================================================== |

 | DO                                                                          |

 | =========================================================================== |

 |                        ENFORCEMENT  D O  T Y P E S :                        |

 | ENFORCE                    IAFTER                     IBEFORE               |

 | DELREC                     IF                         ELSE                  |

 | RETURN                     ENDIF                      SET                   |

 | MSG                        REXX                       ICMNTB                |

 | ICMNTA                     REPCMNT                    DELCMNT               |

 | WHILE                      ENDWHILE                                         |

 ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF RULE DEFINITION PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====




Parent Topic

Rule Definition Facility