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Event Selection Parameters

Event Selection parameters specify selection conditions that must be fulfilled before Control-M JCL Verify will perform designated actions.

The following figures show typical screens with Event Selection parameters.

Fig.JV.3.15 Event Selection Parameters for Site Standards

 | =========================================================================== |

 | ON DD       SYSUT1   DSN M66.*                                              |

 |    DISP SHR                 UNIT            VOL                             |

 |    SMS CLASS DATA           STORAGE          MANAGEMENT               O/N   |

 | =========================================================================== |

 |                      O N  T Y P E S:                                        |

 |                                                                             |

 |  INIT                   END                                                 |

 |  JOB                       INCLUDE                    JCLLIB                |

 |  EXEC                      PROC                                             |

 |  DD                        DDSYSIN                    DDSYSOUT              |

 | =========================================================================== |

Fig.JV.3.16 Event Selection Parameters for Reformatting

 | =========================================================================== |

 | ON JOB           CLASS         PRTY          USER                           |

 | ACCOUNT                                                               O/N   |

 | =========================================================================== |

 |                       REFORMATTING   O N   T Y P E S:                       |

 |                                                                             |

 |  JOB                       INCLUDE                    JCLLIB                |

 |  EXEC                      DD                         PROC                  |

 | =========================================================================== |

Fig.JV.3.17 Event Selection Parameters for Enforcement

 | =========================================================================== |

 | ON                                                                          |

 | =========================================================================== |

 |                        ENFORCEMENT  O N  T Y P E S :                        |

 |                                                                             |

 |  INIT                   END                                                 |

 |  JOB                       INCLUDE                    JCLLIB                |

 |  EXEC                      PROC                       STEPEND               |

 |  DD                        DDSYSIN                    DDSYSOUT              |

 | =========================================================================== |

An ON statement is comprised of the ON field and the optional parameters listed in Event Selection Parameters - Summary. At least one ON statement is required. Additional ON statements with the same type of subparameter can be specified using the Or/Not option described below. Type one of the following options in the ON field and press Enter. Specify a value for the selected option, and specify values as indicated for any additional subparameters.

Mask characters (* and ?) can be used when specifying values for all ON selection.

The following table shows the O/N subparameter that is displayed for all types of ON statements.

Tab.JV.3.13 ON Statement Or/Not Subparameter







Conjunctional parameter for linking ON statements.

Specifying O (Or), or N (Not) opens a new ON statement and links the new statement to the line containing the O/N specification.




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