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Step List Window

A list of the job steps from the previous job run, with the completion codes of each step, can be displayed from the Restart window in the Active Environment screen. Steps from this list can then be selected as From Step/Proc and/or To Step/Proc values in the Restart window.

To display the list of job steps, type a ? symbol in the With Restart field of the Restart window, and press Enter. The Step List window, below, is opened. This "window within a window" contains the list of job steps.

Figure 60 Rerun and/or Restart Step List Window

Filter:           ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname    JobID Typ ------------ Status -----------

  PRD71    PROD     060601                  JOB Held Wait Schedule            

  PRD453   PROD     060601 +---------------------------------(3.R)+           

  PRD44    PROD     060601 |  Job    TBLJOB3      Is to be Rerun  |           

  PRD85    PROD     060601 |  Please Confirm               (Y/N)  |           

  PRD72    PROD     060601 |  +----------- CONTROL-R Step List ------------+  

  SELITBL  M70      060601 |  |  Command ==>                               |  

R TBLJOB3  M70      060601 |  |  O Num Pgm-stp  Proc-stp  Pgm=      Comp   |  

  TST1     TEST     060601 |  |    001 STEP1              IEBGENER  C0000  |  

  TST2     TEST     060601 |  |    002 STEP2              XYZA7891  S806   |  

  TST3     TEST     060601 |  |                                            |  

  DAILYPRD PRODMNGR 060601 |  |                                            |  

  DAILYSYS SYSTEM   060601 |  |                                            |  

  CTMLDNRS PRODMNGR 060601 +- |                                            |  

  CTMCLRES PRODMNGR 060601    |                                            |  

  IEFBR14  PROD     060601 N9 |                                            |  

  IEFBR14  PROD     060601 N9 |                                            |  

  IEFBR14  PROD     060601 N2 |                                            |  

  IEFBR14  PROD     060601    |  Opt:  F From  T To  O Only                |  

========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>       +--------------------------------------------+  =

Opt: ? Why L Log H Hold Z Zoom R Rerun A Activate O Force OK V View Sysout    

     N Net D Del F Free S Stat T Table U Undelete J JCL Edit C Confirm 12.43.09

To locate a specific step, type the LOCATE command in the Command field of the Control-M/Restart Stop List window and press Enter. The format of the command is:

LOCATE stepname

Steps selected in the Step List window are displayed in the appropriate field of the Restart window. To select steps, type the appropriate selection values in the Option (O) field by the step names. Valid selection values are shown in Table 78.

Table 78 Options of the Rerun and/or Restart Step List Window



F (From)

Restart begins at the indicated step. The indicated step becomes the From Step/Proc parameter.

T (To)

Restart ends at the indicated step. The indicated step becomes the To Step/Proc parameter.

O (Only)

Restart begins and ends at the indicated step. The indicated step becomes the From Step/Proc and To Step/Proc parameter. This value cannot be specified with an F or a T value.

Note: If a step cannot be used as a From Step/Proc and/or To Step/Proc for restart, the Option field is protected, and an option cannot be entered, for that step.

Pressing the END key (PF03/PF15) closes the Step List window and automatically updates the From Step/Proc and To Step/Proc fields of the Restart window with the appropriate steps.

Typing the command RESET, or pressing the RESET key (PF04), closes the Step List window without updating the Restart window.

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