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Rerun Flow Job List Window

A list of the jobs that may be restarted from a job flow rerun request can be displayed from the Active Environment screen, by selecting the View Jobs in Flow option in the Rerun and/or Restart Confirmation window. The user can then select specific jobs from this list to be restarted or not, by using the I (Include) and E (Exclude) options.

Figure 58 Rerun Flow Job List Window

Filter:           ------- RERUN FLOW --- JOB LIST        ------ UP    <F> - (3)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

O Level -----  N a m e  ----- Rerun?                        ------ Status -----

  -1   ADDRESOR               YES               Ended "OK"                     

  -1   SOURCERN               YES               Ended "OK"                     

  -2     CEDOLXRX             YES               Ended "OK"                     

  -1   CTDORDER               YES               Ended "OK"                     

  -1   QD61P38                YES               Ended "OK"                     

  --> QD61P38                 YES               Ended "OK"                     

========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========













Commands: OPt EXclude INclude CANcel                                           

          OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     15.01.32

The following fields are displayed for each job in the list:

Table 77 Fields of the Rerun Flow Job List Window




Field for requesting options to be activated.


Successor or predecessor level relative to the selected job. The current job is indicated by -->. Predecessor jobs are indicated by a minus sign and successor jobs are indicated by a plus sign. Jobs that have several paths to or from the selected job appear with the shortest possible route as their level number.


Name of the member containing the JCL of the job, or name of the started task.


Whether the job is to be rerun. Valid values are YES and NO.

When the list is first generated, this field is set to YES for all jobs.


Job (task) status. A complete list of job statuses is found in "Job Statuses". One of the listed statuses appears only in this window:

ON HST FILE – Job is currently in the History file. If the job is included in the flow of jobs being rerun, it will be restored to the Active Jobs file before being rerun.

To specify rerun/restart options for individual jobs:

To specify rerun/restart options for the entire Rerun Flow Job List at once:

To rerun all the included jobs and exit the window, type RUN on the command line. To exit the window without rerunning any of the included jobs, type CANCEL on the command line. Pressing the END key (PF03/PF15) causes all the included jobs to be rerun if profile variable RESWPF3 is set to N; otherwise, it exits the window without rerunning any of the included jobs.

If you choose to rerun all the included jobs, either by typing RUN or by pressing the END key (if profile variable RESWPF3 is set to N) a confirmation window will be displayed.

Figure 59 Rerun Flow Job List Confirmation Window

Filter:           ------- RERUN FLOW --- JOB LIST        ------ UP    <F> - (3)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

O Level -----  N a m e  ----- Rerun?                        ------ Status -----

  -1   ADDRESOR               YES               Ended "OK"                     

  -1   SOURCERN               YES               Ended "OK"                     

  -2   CEDOLXRX               YES               Ended "OK"                     

  -1   CTDORDER               YES               Ended "OK"                     

  -1   QD61P38                YES               Ended "OK"                     

  --> QD61P38                 YES               Ended "OK"                     

========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========










            | Type 'R' to rerun flow, 'C' to cancel:   |                       



Commands: OPt EXclude INclude CANcel                                           

          OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     15.01.32

Type one of the following values in the confirmation window:

The order in which the Rerun Flow jobs are displayed can be controlled by the RSORT command. Typing RSORT FLOW on the command line causes the jobs to be displayed in the order of the flow, that is, with predecessor jobs before their successors. Typing RSORT NAME on the command line causes the jobs to be displayed in alphabetical order.

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