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Flow Rerun Options Window

This section explains the Flow Rerun Options window. Figure 57 shows an example of the Flow Rerun Options window. Table 76 describes the fields on the Flow Rerun Options window.

Figure 57 §Restart§ Flow Rerun Options Window

Filter:           ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ DOWN  <D> - (3)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------

  DAILYPRD PRODMNGR 110405                  JOB Wait Schedule                  

  DAILYSYS SYSTEM   110405 +---------------------------------(3.R)+            

  IOALDNRS PRODMNGR 110405 |  Job    IEFBR14      Is to be Rerun  |            

  IOACLCND PRODMNGR 110405 |  Please Confirm               (Y/N)  |            

R IEFBR14  K39      110405 |  With   Restart N           (?/Y/N)  |  o CC      

                           |  ----------------------------------  |            

                           |  From Step/Proc          .           |            

  IEFBR14  N98A     110405 |  To   Step/Proc          .           |            

  IEFBR14  K39      110405 |+-----------------------------------+ |            

  IEFBR14  K39A     110405 ||  Forward Flow           _ (Y/N)   | |            

  IEFBR14  K39A     110405 ||  Backward Flow          _ (Y/N)   | |            

========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>    ||  View Jobs in Flow      _ (Y/N)   | |  < ========

                           |+-----------------------------------+ |            

                           |  (Type 'R' to change options)        |            

                           |  Forward Flow                        |            

                           |  Backward Flow                       |            

                           |  View Jobs in Flow                   |            

                           |  ----------------------------------  |            

                           |  Restart Parm Member Name  IEFBR14   |            

Opt: ? Why L Log H Hold Z Z+--------------------------------------+ Sysout     

     N Net D Del F Free S Stat T Table U Undelete J JCL Edit C Confirm 08.36.28

Table 76 §Restart§ Fields of the Flow Rerun Options Window



Forward Flow

Whether to enable the restart of a successive series of jobs, beginning with the selected job:

  • Y (Yes) – The job is restarted along with all its successor jobs.
  • N (No) – Only the selected job is restarted.

Backward Flow

Whether to enable the restart of a preceding series of jobs, ending with the selected job:

  • Y (Yes) – The job is restarted along with all its predecessor jobs.
  • N (No) – Only the selected job is restarted.

View Jobs in Flow

Whether to generate a Rerun Flow Job List. This list enables the user to select specific jobs in the selected flow or flows to be restarted. For more information, see Rerun Flow Job List Window.

  • Y (Yes) – The Flow Rerun Job List screen is displayed. The list contains:

    — The job's successors (if Y was specified in Forward Flow)

    — The job’s predecessors (if Y was specified in Backward Flow)

    — The jobs’s successors and predecessors (if Y was specified in both fields).

  • N (No) – The Rerun Flow Job List is not displayed.

If the job is a SMART Table Entity, and Y was not specified in either the Forward Flow or Backward Flow fields, the generated list contains the jobs in the Table. (If Y was not specified in either of the fields, and the job is not a SMART Table Entity, then this value is ignored and no list is displayed.)

Parent Topic

§Restart§Rerun and/or Restart Window (Under Control-M/Restart)