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General Information for ON statement (CMEM)

Upon typing an ON parameter and pressing Enter, additional fields (subparameters) are displayed. Each ON parameter and its subparameters comprise an ON statement. At least one ON statement is required in a rule definition. Additional ON statements can be entered using the And/Or/Not option.

The first eight characters of the event name appear as the name of the rule in the Rule List screen.

And/Or/Not Subparameter Logic (CMEM)

The following logic is applied:

Use of OR logic reduces the amount of redundant data in the CMEM rule library and improves rule management.

Note: When entering multiple ON statements, ensure that the statements are not mutually exclusive or not connected by an AND parameter. Rules containing mutually exclusive ON statements connected by an AND parameter are never triggered. To prevent confusion, the AND is blocked during the ON statement definition.

For example:




Character Masking (CMEM)

The following mask characters can be used when entering ON statement values:

Parent Topic

ON statement (CMEM): Event Parameter