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ON DSNEVENT (CMEM): Event Parameter

Monitor a data set disposition event.

Figure 359 ON DSNEVENT (CMEM) Parameter Format

Optional. Type D (DSNEVENT) in the ON field and press Enter. The following subparameters are displayed:

Table 240 DSNEVENT (CMEM) Subparameters




Name (or mask) of the job to be monitored for data set events. Mandatory.


Type of job to be monitored for data set events:

  • J (Job) – batch job
  • S (STC) – started task
  • T (TSU) – TSO user
  • blank – any type of job; valid only if STEPRC is blank, that is, the rule is processed immediately upon detection of the data set event. Default.

If JTYPE is entered, only a data set event occurring in a job of the specified type can trigger the rule.


SMF ID of the CPU to monitor for data set events. Mask characters (* and ?) are supported. Default: current CPU.


Name of the system to monitor for data set events. Mask characters (* and ?) are supported. Default: current system.


Name of data set (or mask) to be monitored for this event within the selected jobs. Mandatory.


Data set disposition. Mandatory. The abbreviation (that is, the first letter) of the desired value can be specified. Valid values are:

  • CATLG – Cataloged (including SMS-managed files and ROLLED-IN SMS-managed GDG files).
  • DELETE – Deleted.
  • UNCATLG – Uncataloged.
  • KEEP – Kept (including SMS-managed files).
  • RETAIN – Cataloged or Kept.
  • SCRATCH – Deleted and uncataloged (SMS managed files).
  • NCT2 – Occurrence of a NOT CATLG 2 event – when a data set was created in a previous job step, but not cataloged at deallocation because its name already exists in the z/OS catalog.
  • ALL – Any of the above dispositions.
  • * – Any of the above data set dispositions, except NCT2.


Name or mask of a step invoking a procedure or, for a started task, task ID. Optional.

If omitted, all procedure steps in the selected jobs are monitored.

Note: When a started task is initiated, it can be assigned a task ID. For example, in command S GTF.G, the task ID of GTF is G. If a task ID is not entered, MVS assigns a default task ID to the started task, as follows:

  • For a system started task with stepname IEFPROC, MVS sets an internal task ID.
  • For other started tasks, the default task ID equals the procedure (started task) name.

Therefore, when using CMEM to monitor system started tasks, if no task ID is entered in the START command, the PROCSTEP parameter must not be specified.


Name (or mask) of a step invoking a program. Optional.

If omitted, all program steps in the selected jobs are monitored.

Note: When a system started task with stepname IEFPROC is initiated, MVS assigns the step a default program step name. Therefore, when using CMEM to monitor these system started tasks, the PGMSTEP parameter must not be specified.


Determines at which point in the job step, and under what conditions in the job step, the DO statements are performed. Valid values are:

  • blank – if no completion code is entered, the rule is executed immediately upon detection of the specified data set event

If any of the following values is entered for STEPRC, execution of the DO statements is delayed until the end of the monitored job step and is dependent upon how the jobstep ended:

  • OK – step ended with a condition code of zero
  • NOTOK – step ended with a nonzero code
  • **** – step ended (with any code)
  • Cnnnn – step ended with the indicated condition code
  • Snnn – step ended with the indicated system abend code
  • Unnnn – step ended with the indicated user abend code

Asterisks can be entered instead of code digits; condition codes and abends can be preceded by code qualifiers (<, >, N). For more information, see the following section, "General Information".

Note: If you use STEPRC in a long-running task, rules do not execute until tasks such as STC (such as CICS, IMS) or TSO USER terminate.


Conjunctional parameter that opens a new ON statement and links it to the previous ON statement. Optional. Valid values are:

  • A (And) – indicates AND logic between the two ON statements
  • O (Or) – indicates OR logic between the preceding and following sets of ON statements
  • N (Not) – indicates AND NOT logic between the two ON statements

Parent Topic

Control-M Event Manager (CMEM)