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CTVUPINV Parameters

The following groups of input parameters can be specified in the input stream:

Table 306 CTVUPINV  general parameters




Indicates whether the utility saves the updated subscription records, or only issues the report specified by the PRINT parameter. Valid values are:

  • PROD – The updated records are saved in the Permanent User File. Default.
  • TEST – The updated records are not saved. Only a output report is issued.


This parameter indicates what is included in the output report. Valid values are:

  • NO - the output report is not printed.
  • YES - only processed subscription records are printed. The first report column contains the operation code. Default.
  • ALL - all subscription records located in the Permanent User File are printed. The first report column contains the operation code. It is empty for the records which are not processed by the utility run.

Table 307 Subscription record parameters




Subscription record type. Valid values are:

  • I - Individual record. Default. The record type I contains printing and distribution parameters for a specific Index value. The parameters INDNAME and INDVAL are obligatory for this record type.
  • G - Group record. The record type G contains printing and distribution parameters for a group of Index values related to the specified report name or it's mask. The parameter REPNAME is obligatory for this record type.
  • S - Index subscription record. This record, created for every end-user subscription, contains printing and distribution parameters for a specific Index value. The following parameters are obligatory for this record type: CTDS-EMAIL, RECIPIENT, REPNAME, JOBNAME, CATEGORY, INDNAMEx, INDVALx.
  • R - Report subscription record. This record, created for every end-user subscription, contains printing and distribution parameters for a full report. The following parameters are obligatory for this record type: CTDS-EMAIL, RECIPIENT, REPNAME, JOBNAME, CATEGORY.

For password protection of PDF reports (that is, if you include the PDF-USER-PASS parameter), use TYPE values R (to protect the whole report) or S (and specify an index to protect).


Index name of Index level x. x - is a number from 1 to 9. Complete value or mask. Maximum length is 20 characters. If the Index name for the level x is specified, it should also be specified for all previous levels of the Index path.

This parameter is not available for R type records, but it is mandatory for I and S type records.


Index value of Index level x. x – is a number from 1 to 9. Complete value or mask. Maximum length is 50 characters.

If Index value for the level x is specified, it should be specified for all previous levels of the Index path too.

For the I and S record type, the first 12 bytes of the last level value must not contain wildcard characters ‘*’,’?’.

Note: The level number specified by INDVAL must be the same as the level number specified by INDNAME.

This parameter is not available for R type records, but it is mandatory for I and S type records.


The minimal last level Index value. Maximum length is 50 characters.

This parameter is not available for R type records.


The maximal last level Index value. Maximum length is 50 characters.

This parameter is not available for R type records.


Job name. Complete value or mask. Maximum length is 8 character.

This parameter is mandatory for R and S type records.


Report recipient. Complete value or mask. Maximum length is 8 characters.

This parameter is mandatory for R and S type records.


Report name. Complete value or mask. Maximum length is 50 characters. For the G and R record types, the first 12 characters of the report name must not contain the following wildcard characters: ‘*’, ‘?’.

This parameter is mandatory for G, R, and S type records.


Report category. Complete value or mask. Maximum length is 20 characters.

This parameter is mandatory for R and S type records.


Subscription record description line. x –is the number of line and can be in the range from 1 to 2. Maximum length is 59 characters.


Specifies the printing type to which the report is subscribed.

For I and G record types, the valid values are:

  • Y – For a PRINT mission, where TYPE = E (Explicitly), the index corresponding to the subscription record is included in the print bundle and printed according the parameters in the record. For a PRINT mission, where TYPE = A (All), all the indexes are printed; the index corresponding to the subscription record is printed according the parameters in the record and the remaining indexes are printed according the common parameters. Default.
  • N – For a PRINT mission, where TYPE = E, the index corresponding to the subscription record with SUBSCRIBE=N is not included in the print bundle. For a PRINT mission, where TYPE = A, the parameters in the subscription record with SUBSCRIBE=N are not used for printing the indexes.

For S and R record types, the valid values are:

  • I – PRINT mission only sends a notification to the specified e-mail address, but not the actual report.
  • E – PRINT mission sends report by e-mail.
  • P – PRINT mission sends report to SPOOL.


Default printing destination. For SUBSCRIBE=I or E, the only valid value is CTDS. Maximum length is 8 characters.


Default printing destination. Maximum length is 8 characters.

Note: For S and R record types, the default destination values are taken from the CTDSPARM member according to the SUBSCRIBE value, provided that the DEST1 and DEST2 parameters are not specified.


Index banner requirement. Valid values are:

  • Y – report printed with the index banner. Default.
  • N – report printed without the index banner


Control-D/Delivery Server destination folder. Maximum length is 60 characters.


Control-D/Delivery Server destination email. Maximum length is 60 characters.

This parameter is mandatory for R and S type records.


Control-D/Delivery Server destination fax. Maximum length is 16 characters.


User password for protecting PDF reports distributed through Control-D/Delivery Server or Control-D/WebAccess. Maximum length is 32 characters.

This password is used both for reports converted to PDF format during distribution and for reports which were originally in PDF format.

For more information, see Protecting access to PDF reports in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Indicates whether corresponding PRINT mission will process original reports or reports created by print mission with the STORE=Y.

Valid values are:

  • N - Process reports created by decollation mission. Default
  • Y - Process only reports created by print mission with STORE=Y.


Recipient address line. x –is the number of line and can be in the range from 1 to 10. Maximum length is 52 characters.

If blank spaces or apostrophes are included in a parameter specified for the utility, the parameter value must be written surrounded by apostrophes, and the apostrophes included in the value must be doubled.

If a subscription record parameter is used as selection parameter for the utility, the wildcard characters '*', '?' are interpreted as mask for selection. If you want to interpret these characters as part of specified value, the parameter value must be written surrounded by apostrophes.

Some parameters are included in a subscription record key, which is used to search the subscription records when printing Control-D reports. The list of parameters included in the key depends on the record type.

For the I and G record types, the subscription record key includes the following parameters: TYPE, INDNAME, INDVAL, FROMINDVAL, TOINDVAL, RECIPIENT, JOBNAME, REPNAME, CATEGORY.

For the S record type, the subscription record key includes the above parameters, in addition to the CTDS-EMAIL and STORED parameters.

For the R record type, the subscription record key includes the following parameters: TYPE, RECIPIENT, JOBNAME, REPNAME, CATEGORY, CTDS-EMAIL, STORED.

The record key value must be unique. The utility issues an error message and does not save the new record (whether it is inserted, replicated or updated) if an identical record key value is already used by an existing record.

Parent Topic

CTVUPINV – Global update of subscription records in the Permanent User File