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CTVUPINV Output report

The CTVUPINV utility produces an output report file referred to in the DAREPORT DD statement.

The report content depends on the input parameter PRINT. All selected, updated, deleted, inserted, and replicated subscription records are printed to this report by default, or if PRINT=YES is specified. If PRINT=ALL is specified, in additional to processed records, all subscription records located in the Permanent User File are printed to the report.

Each subscription record is printed to one or several report lines. The first line has the following form:









The operation code appears in the first column. Valid values are:

RECORD ID (record key) consists of two words. The first word contains the first 12 characters of the last level index value for the I and S record types or the first 12 characters of the report name for the G and R record types. The second word is the record counter printed in hexadecimal format.

The main INDEX NAME and INDEX VALUE are printed in the first line of the I, G, and S record types. If more than one level Index path is specified in the record, the sub-index names and values are printed in the corresponding columns in the following lines.

The record description is printed in the next line if it is specified.

Other non-empty record parameters are printed in the following lines in the format PARAMETER NAME = parameter value.

Parent Topic

CTVUPINV – Global update of subscription records in the Permanent User File