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CTDUFMPR - Repartition of the Migrated User Report List File in place

This utility reorganizes Migrated User Report List file (MUF) partitions in place according to the new partition date ranges specified in the input parameters.

The MUF can be separated into several partitions based on the CDAM creation date by using the CTDUFMDV utility (described in CTDUFMDV - Separate Migrated User Report List file to different partitions). For example, the last (main) partition contains data for the last year, one partition before it contains data for the two previous years, and so on. The date ranges of the MUF partitions are kept in the special MIGPART record, which is located in the main partition of the MUF. Using partitions improves performance of the report list request from the MUF, because most of requests are performed from the last partition, which is a relatively small part of the entire MUF.

When Control-V works with a partitioned MUF, the new reports are usually migrated to the last (main) partition. As the main partition grows, periodically it is necessary to reorganize the MUF partitions according to the new partition date ranges. It can be done using this utility. The MUF records, which are located in the partitions that do not match the new partition date ranges, are moved to the appropriate partitions. The remaining MUF records are not moved. CTDUFMPR does not change the number of partitions.

To repartition the Migrated User Report List file (MUF)

  1. Run CTDUFMPR with the COPY function. The MUF records, which are located in the partitions that do not match the new date ranges specified in the SYSIN input parameters, are copied to the corresponding partitions. The copied records are not deleted from the original partitions in this step. The Control-D end users continue working with the original copies of the records during this step. At the end of this step, the MIGPART record is updated with the new partition date ranges.
  2. To enable end users to work with the new partitions distribution, perform the steps described in the Utility CTDUFMPR section, in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.
  3. Run CTDUFMPR with the DELETE function. The MUF records, which were copied to other partitions in the step 1, are now deleted from the original partitions.

If the MUF is very large (perhaps containing many dozens of millions of records) and many records must be moved to other partitions, the utility might be required to run for an extended period of time, perhaps even days, to process all the required records. It is possible to limit the utility’s working time using the TIMELIM parameter, which specifies the maximum time per run. This parameter can be specified for both the COPY and the DELETE functions. When TIMELIM is specified, if the utility did not have time to process all the required records during the specified time, the utility ends with RC=4 and the CTDMRFW warning message is displayed. In this situation, the utility can be restarted with the same function to process the remaining records. It can be restarted several times, if necessary, until the utility ends with RC=0, indicating that all the required records have been processed.

The Control-D/WebAccess and 3270 terminal end users can continue working with MUF during the entire repartition process. If any records, which were copied during repartition, are updated by end users in the old location, these records are copied to the new partitions by the COPY NEW process. The COPY NEW process automatically starts at the end of the COPY step and, again, immediately at the beginning of the DELETE step.

The Control-V components that perform massive updating of the MUF (such as migration missions, CTDDELRP, CTVCLMIG, and several others) cannot work in parallel with the CTDUFMPR utility, while it is performing the COPY process until CTDUFMPR ends with RC=0. If any of these components are activated when the COPY is in progress, or if CTDUFMPR is started when one of these components is working with the MUF, an error message is issued and the job is not started.

All Control-D components can be started in parallel with CTUFMPR DELETE step.

For more information about synchronization of the repartition process with other Control-D and Control-V components, see the section about synchronization of Control-V components with the repartition process in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

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Control-D and Control-V Utilities