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CTDUFMDV Parameters

Table 254 CTDUFMDV EXEC statement parameters




Update VSA records in the Active User Report List file


Update VSA records in the History User Report List file


Update VSA records in the Migration User Report List file


Separate old Migrated User Report List file to different partitions


Copy VSA records from the Migrated User Report List file referred to by the DATMx and DATMxI DD statements to the current Migrated User Report List file.


Restore full accessibly of MUF.

To separate the existing Migrated User Report List file to different partitions

  1. Allocate and format new Migrated User Report List file partitions
    1. Create DEFMIGx and DEFMIGxI members in the IOA INSTWORK library for all Migrated User Report List file partitions.
    2. Run the IOADBF utility (the CTDUFDBF job in the Control-D JCL library) with the FUNC parameter set to INIT, which will allocate and format the new partitions.
    3. Run the IOADBF utility twice for each new Migrated User Report List file partition, once for the Data component and a second time for the Index component.

    Note: An alternative index can be built, activated, and created for a new Migrated User Report List file only after the separation of the original Migrated User Report List file into partitions, using CTDUFMDV. If you create alternative indexes for new empty MIG User files and afterwards submit CTDUFMDV, the utility will take a very long processing time. If you use an alternative index for the new Migrated User Report List file, a corresponding alternative index must be created separately for each Migrated User Report List file partitions data set. After creating the new Migrated User Report List file partitions data set, activate the alternative index with CTDUFANX and rebuild it with CTDUFDIB.

  2. Modify the CTDUFMDV job in the CTD JCL library
    1. Remove unneeded DATMx and DATMxI DD statements.

      The DATMP DD statement is used to allocate the data component of the main MIG partition. The DATMPI DD statement is used to allocate the index component of the main MIG partition.

      The DATM# and DATM#I DD statements are used to allocate the data and index components of the corresponding MIG partitions.

    2. Change the &DBTYPE parameter of the remaining DATMx and DATMxI DD statements, to conform with policies of your site.
  3. Propagate a real CDAM creation date to all VSA records that were created in versions prior to 6.3.xx. If you do not have data created in earlier versions, skip to step 4.

    To modify VSA records from versions earlier than 6.3.xx

    1. First run the CTDUFMDV utility with the Active User Report list data parameter (ACT). This will update VSA records in the Active User Report List file.
    2. Next run the CTDUFMDV utility with either of the following parameters (the order does not matter), followed by the other:
      • Migrated User Report list data parameter (MIG)
        This will update VSA records in the Migrated User Report List file.
      • History User Report list data parameter (HST)
        This will update VSA records in the History User Report List file.

    A large amount of memory is required when you run the CTDUFMDV utility with any of the ACT, MIG, or HST parameters. If the utility fails with a memory limitation problem, a VSA record processed by one cycle limit can be supplied in the SYSIN stream, as follows:

    //SYSIN    DD *

    ######### is the maximum number of VSA records processed by one cycle, and allocated memory is ######### x 16. The maximum value of ######### is nine digits, with a default value of 100,000,000.

    When you provide a memory limitation the required amount of storage is decreased but the running time can be increased. However, when you run the CTDUFMDV utility with any of the ACT, MIG, or HST parameters, it does not influence regular Control-D work.

  4. Separate the old Migrated User Report List file to different partitions, by submitting the CTDUFMDV utility with the PART parameter.

    When CTDUFMDV is running with the PART parameter, any other application that can update the Migrated User Report List file, such as migrations missions or the CTDDELRP or CTVCLMIG utilities, cannot work.

    Note: Depending on the size of the Migrated User Report List file, when CTDUFMDV is running with the PART parameter a considerable amount of time (days or even weeks) can be used. Since neither a migration mission nor the CTDDELRP utility can work at the same time, you should ensure that you have enough disk space to enable decollations to continue during this period.

    Input for the PART parameter is shown below:

    //SYSIN    DD *

    Each YYYYMMDD line is the last current partition date, and 99999999 means the end of parameters.


    Assume that the PART parameter used the following input:

    //SYSIN    DD *





    Under this example, all reports for CDAMs created

    before January 1, 2001 will be directed to the Migrated User Report List file partition 1

    between January 1, 2001 and June 30, 2004 will be directed to Migrated User Report List file partition 2

    between June 30, 2004 and December 31, 2006 will be directed to Migrated User Report List file partition 3

    after December 31, 2006 will be directed to the main partition

  5. If you intend to use alternative indexes for the new Migrated User Report List file partitions data set, format, activate, and rebuild them at this stage.
  6. After separation to the new Migrated User Report List file partitions, change the IOADSNL, ALCCTDJB, ALCCTV, and ALCDOLV members in the IOA PARM library.

    Note: If the IOADSNL, ALCCTDJB, ALCCTV, and ALCDOLV members do not exist in the IOA PARM library, copy the ALCCTDJB, ALCCTV, ALCDOLV, and IOADSN members from the IOA IOAENV library to the IOA PARM library. Then rename the IOADSN member to IOADSNL.

    To change the IOADSNL, ALCCTDJB, ALCCTV and ALCDOLV members in IOA PARM library

    1. Remove the following lines in the IOADSNL member:









    1. Add the following lines in the IOADSNL member:

      DATASET DAMIG,                 




      DATASET DAMIGI,                




      DATASET DAMG1,                 




      DATASET DAMG1I,                





      DATASET DAMG#,                 




      DATASET DAMG#I,                




    Note: In this step, where &DBTYPE is to be changed to a specifically used qualifier, # represents the maximum number of used Migrated User Report List file partitions. A separate DATASET statement should be defined for every Migrated User Report List file partition. If you intend to use an alternative index for the new Migrated User Report List file, define a separate DATASET statement for each alternative index of each Migrated User Report List file partition.

    1. Add the following lines to the ALCCTDJB, ALCCTV, and ALCDOLV members:






    Note: In this step, # represents the maximum number of used Migrated User Report List file partitions. Separate pairs of DAMGx and DAMGxI statements should be defined for every Migrated User Report List file partition. If you intend to use an alternative index for the new Migrated User Report List file, define a separate DAMGx&ALT statement for each Migrated User Report List file partition (&ALT – alternative Index letter).

  7. Change the DATM# and DATM#I DD statements in CTDUFMDV job – they should refer old Migrated User Report List file. Submit the CTDUFMDV utility with the COPYNEW parameter. It will copy to the new Migrated User Report List file all VSA records created or updated by end-users via on-line environment (for example NOTEs) after CTDUFMDV was submitted with PART parameter.

    If it is required to define specific date instead of last CTDUFMDV run date, define COPYNEW parameter as MODE=(COPYNEW,DATE). In this case date for compare will be taken from SYSIN stream as the following:

    //SYSIN      DD *


  8. If for any reason you need to fall back, it can be done if neither CTDDELRP nor Migration Mission worked with new separated Migrated User file (MUF).

    To fall back

    1. Restore the IOADSNL, ALCCTDJB, ALCCTV, and ALCDOLV members in the IOA PARM library to their previous conditions.
    2. Submit the CTDUFMDV job with the RESET parameter. It will restore full accessibly to the original MUF.
    3. Restore the DATM# and DATM#I DD statements in CTDUFMDV job to their previous conditions – they must refer to the new partitioned Migrated User Report List file.
    4. Submit the CTDUFMDV job with the COPYNEW parameter. It will copy all the VSA records, which were created or updated by end-users via the on-line environment (for example, NOTE records) in the new partitioned MUF, to the current (original) Migrated User Report List file.

Parent Topic

CTDUFMDV - Separate Migrated User Report List file to different partitions