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CTDUFMPR Parameters

The general input parameters are specified in the EXEC statement of the CTDUFMPR job. These parameters are described in the following table:

Table 255 CTDUFMPR EXEC statement parameters




This parameter specifies the utility's action. Obligatory.

Valid values are:

COPY - The utility copies the MUF records to the corresponding partitions where they should be located according to the new partition periods specified in the SYSIN stream. The utility with this function should be submitted before it is submitted with the function DELETE.

DELETE - The utility deletes records which have been copied to the new partitions in the step COPY. Utility with this function can be submitted only after it is successfully ended with the function COPY.


Determines whether the CTDUFMPR utility runs in Production mode or Simulation mode. Obligatory.

Valid values are:

  • PROD - MUF is actually updated during the utility run.
  • TEST - The utility runs in Simulation mode. The MUF partitions are not actually updated. Only information and error messages are issued.

Note. The utility with function DELETE in TEST mode will issue correct information only after the utility with function COPY is ended in PROD mode.


The maximum time period the CTDUFMPR utility will run. Optional.

The time format is HHMM, where HH - hours and MM - minutes.

The available values are from 0001 (1 minute) to 9959 (99 hours, 59 minutes).

The utility stops after it runs for HHMM time, even if not all of the needed records have been processed. The remaining records will be processed in the next utility run with the same function.

If this parameter is not specified, all the needed records will be processed during one utility run.

The new partition periods must be specified in the SYSIN DD stream for the function COPY.

The number of statements must be equal to the number of existing MUF partitions.

Each statement can be specified as YYYYMMDD or as -N, where:

The first statement must specify the last date of partition 1. The second statement must specify the last date of partition 2. And so on. The last statement always must be 99999999 instead of the last date of the main partition M.

Parent Topic

CTDUFMPR - Repartition of the Migrated User Report List File in place