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Control-M installation sheet

A. Number of jobs to run each day __________

A. Number of jobs to run each day

The number of jobs Control-M will handle each day. When calculating the Control-M AJF file size, multiply this number by 2. See the AJFSIZE parameter in Part 3, chapter 5, Step 3.2, Table 57 for details. Maximum 9 digits. Minimum value 1000."

B. Mirror Active Jobs file required

Yes ___ No ___

B. Mirror Active Jobs file required

Sometimes referred to as dual DB. See the DUALDB parameter in Chapter 2 "Installing IOA", in minor step 5.2 "IOA Data set Characteristics", under "Mirror File for IOA Conditions."

C. Selected sysout HLDCLASS _________

C. Selected Sysout HLDCLASS

This 1-character string specifies the held sysout class used by jobs that Control-M submits. See the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide for details.

D. Install CONTROL-M Event Manager (CMEM)

Yes ___ No ___

D. Install Control-M Event Manager (CMEM)

If the Control-M Event Manager (CMEM) will be installed, define the subsystem so that MVS will recognize it. See major step 7 "Install Event Manager (CMEM)."

E. CTMPLEX support

Yes___ No___

E. CTMPLEX support

Control‑M Sysplex support. For more information, see the section on CTMPLEX in Control‑M chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

F. Data set name (DSN) prefixes, volumes, and units

Library Type   DSN Prefix    Volume        Unit

Installation   ILPREFM       ILVOLM     ILUNITM

Operations   OLPREFM      OLVOLM    OLVOLM

Repository   DBPREFM      DBVOLM    DBUNITM

Statfile        ILPREFM       VSVOLM     

F. Data set name (DSN) prefixes, volumes, and units

Minor step 4.4 "Install Control-M Libraries" allocates prefixes for all libraries. After prefixes are allocated, they can be modified as soon as the previous data sets are deleted and libraries are restored.

Examples of DSN prefixes:

CTM. V9000I for Control-M Installation libraries.

CTM. V9000O for Control-M Operations libraries.

CTM. V9000D for Control-M Repository.

G. Type of access to Control‑M data sets

Library Type      Access Type    User Category (see Legend)

Installation       Read                  2,3,4

Installation       Full                    1

Operations       Update              1,2,4

Operations       Read                  3

Repository       Update              1,2,3,4


  1. 1 Control‑M installers and system administrators.
  2. 2 Users who create and update definitions of Control‑M entities.
  3. 3 Other Control‑M users.
  4. 4 Users with special user IDs, such as long running started tasks, or specific system jobs.

See additional requirements in the explanation for this item in the text at the right.

G. Type of access to Control‑M data sets

To access Control‑M data sets and to use the basic facilities of Control‑M, the Control‑M monitor requires:

READ and UPDATE access to JES spool SYSOUT data sets.

Authority to issue operator commands.

Authority to submit jobs.

READ access to all schedule and JCL libraries.

UPDATE access to IOA and Control‑M Repositories and product data sets.

If User Dailies are not owned by the IOA administrator, user categories 2,3,4 require UPDATE access to the Control‑M PARM library.

The Control‑M New Day procedure and jobs that issue operator commands require authority to issue these operator commands.

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Customized installation