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Control-M/JCL Verify installation sheet

A. APF authorization

__Yes __No


A. APF authorization

IOA load library is defined as APF in the system where Control-M/JCL Verify will be executed under ISPF.

B. IOA Security

__Yes __No


B. IOA Security

IOA security has been enabled (otherwise, the File Access validation will not be performed).

The IOA Security interface is installed, to allow the Control-M JCL Verify monitor (CTJMON) to utilize the requester user ID when processing requests.

C. Edit Macro

__Yes __No


C. Edit Macro

Control-M/JCL Verify Edit Macro CTJXVER has been copied to site CLIST library and renamed to ______.

D. Data set name (DSN) prefix, volume, and unit

Library Type  DSN Prefix   Volume     Unit

Operations   OLPREFJ    OLVOLJ      OLUNITJ


D. Data set name (DSN) prefix, volume, and unit

Minor step 4.4 "Install Control‑M/JCL Verify Libraries" allocates prefixes for all libraries. After prefixes are allocated, they can be modified as soon as the previous data sets are deleted and libraries are restored.

Examples of data set prefixes:

CTJ.V9000I for Control‑M/JCL Verify Installation libraries.

CTJ.V9000O for Control‑M/JCL Verify Operations libraries.

E. Type of access to Control‑M/JCL Verify data sets

Library Type      Access Type    User Category (see Legend)

Installation        Read              2,3

Installation        Full                  1

Operations        Read                  3

Operations        Update              1, 2


  1. 1 Control‑M/JCL Verify installers and system administrators.
  2. 2 Users who create and update definitions of Control‑M/JCL Verify entities, such as rules.
  3. 3 Control‑M/JCL Verify end users.

E. Type of Access to Control‑M/JCL Verify Data sets

This item specifies Control‑M/JCL Verify data set access requirements.

Parent Topic

Customized installation