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IOA installation sheet

A. Identity installation environments  

____ Test    ____ Production

Environment Name__________________________________

A. Identity installation environments

The general overall ICE installation workflow is as follows:

  1. 1 Defining and creating the IOA environment
  2. 2 Expanding the files from the installation media
  3. 3 Installing the IOA infrastructure
  4. 4 Installing each Control-X product

The first step in the installation procedure defines the IOA environment to be installed and identifies it as a test or production installation.

For details, see Performing tasks common to all product installations, especially Figure 5 “IOA Installation – Environment definition screen”, with values and Table 1 “Environment values in the Environment definition screen”.

An environment name may contain a maximum of 8 characters.

It will be used also as the IOA QNAME.

B. IOA LOAD library

     Data set name (DSNAME, such as IOA.PROD.LOAD:


B. IOA LOAD library

Specify the data set name for the IOA LOAD library (for example, IOA.PROD.LOAD). You may use the LOAD library as a STEPLIB in the JCL procedures, or you may incorporate it into the MVS LINKLIST.

Before deciding whether to use the library as a STEPLIB or in the LINKLIST, review the general considerations and the site standards for program product LOAD libraries. Then consider the following:

B. IOA LOAD library (continued)

B. IOA LOAD library (continued)


  • All IOA JCL procedures include member IOAENV to provide a STEPLIB DD statement that points to the IOA LOAD library.
  • STEPLIB may be used to distinguish between executions in different IOA environments (such as test and production environments) within the same MVS system.
  • You can catalog the library in the master catalog or in a user catalog. This selection affects the name you choose for the IOA LOAD library.
  • If any jobs execute IOA product programs without supplied JCL procedures, you will have to add the STEPLIB DD statement to those jobs and maintain it as required.

Note: STEPLIB is the recommended way to access IOA LOAD library.


  • Remove the STEPLIB DD statement from the IOAENV member in the IOA PROCLIB library.
    Note: Before removing the STEPLIB DD statement, test with the library as a STEPLIB.
  • If each active MVS system runs jobs only for a single environment (that is, only for a test or only for a production environment), jobs use the program library associated with the environment within which they run.
  • The library must be cataloged in the master catalog.
  • Adding a library to the LINKLIST, or extending such a library, may require an IPL.

Note: The IOASINIT, CTOTROLO, CTMCMEM, and CTTINIT JCL procedures must each contain a STEPLIB DD statement that points to the IOA LOAD library, even if LINKLIST is used.

C. Reference Libraries Prefix


C. Reference Libraries Prefix

Prefix for high level data set name qualifiers (prefix) of the installation libraries to be used as reference libraries.

D. IOA variable databases:

  • Databases duplex     ____ Yes    ____ No
  • Columns duplex       ____ Yes    ____ No
  • Variables duplex       ____ Yes   ____ No
  • IOAPLEX (XAE)        ____ Yes   ____ No

D. IOA variables databases:

If you install Control‑M or Control‑O, see major step 7 "Set Global Variables Database" in the chapter about installing IOA, in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

E. Primary language__ English   ___French ___ German   ___ Japanese

E. Primary language

Determine the primary language to be used.

F. Started task and procedure libraries

Started tasks library (PROCLIB)

___ Use the supplied PROCJCL directly

___ Copy started tasks to site PROCLIB

       PROCLIB DSNAME: ___________________

Procedure library (SITEPROC)

___ Copy some JCL procedures to SITEPROC

SITEPROC DSNAME:________________

Three character prefix for IOA procedures: _______

F. Started task and procedure libraries

Started Tasks Library (PROCLIB)

The PROCJCL library contains all the started tasks. All the members in this library are jobs. Therefore, DDNAME IEFJOBS, which is in the MSTJCLxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB, must point to the library in which these members reside.

You can define the PROCJCL library in your system as a started task library, or copy started tasks from the IOA PROCJCL library into an existing started tasks library. To specify the DSNAME of an existing started tasks library, use the PROCLIB installation parameter.

Started tasks are customized during the installation process for each environment.

Procedure Library (SITEPROC)

The PROCLIB library contains all the procedures to be used in jobs. Each job supplied already contains a JCLLIB statement to enable the job to use this library.

You can also copy a small number of selected procedures into an existing procedure library. The SITEPROC installation parameter specifies the DSNAME of an existing procedure library. If you do this, make sure that the names of new JCL procedures are different from existing ones.

G. Data set configuration

Environment: ____________

Library Type  DSN   Prefix          Volume            Unit

Base            BASEPREF             (JCL)               (JCL)

Installation   ILPREFA                 ILVOLA           ILUNITA

Operational  OLPREFA                OLVOLA          OLUNITA

Core            DBPREFA               BVOLA            DBUNITA

Log             DBPREFA               LOGVOL         LOGUNIT

Maintenance  MLPREFA             MLVOLA        MLUNITA

G. Data set configuration

When you choose data set parameters for IOA libraries and data sets, you should do the following:

  • Review site practices for allocating program product libraries and data sets
  • Determine which systems access each data set in the current installation and in future activities, such as changing from TEST to PRODUCTION and replicating production systems. Determine implied naming conventions and data set placement constraints.
  • Catalog libraries residing in LINKLIST in the Master Catalog.
  • Make data set names different from names in existing installations of IOA products.

Minor step 3.2 "Allocate IOA Libraries" allocates prefixes for all libraries. After prefixes are allocated, they can be modified as soon as the previous data sets are deleted and libraries are restored. Shown below are examples of data set name prefixes:

Library/       TEST  Env./   PROD Env.

IOA Base/

IOA Installation/

IOA Operations/

IOA Core/

CTM Installation/

CTD Databases/


G. Data set configuration: (continued)

G. Data set configuration: (continued)


Base libraries are used as a base (skeleton) for creating certain environment-specific libraries. The Installation and Customization Engine (ICE) also resides in a base library.


Installation libraries are static product libraries that contain various program elements. These elements generally change only during product installation, maintenance and customization—but not as a result of ongoing operation.


Operational libraries contain operational information such as scheduling tables in Control-M, or print mission definitions in Control-D. Most operational libraries are updated regularly by users and are referenced during automatic operation of the product.


The IOA core contains files that are used by all INCONTROL products. To improve performance, assign the log to a different volume and unit.

Note: To allocate IOA installation or operations libraries on DF/SMS managed volumes, do one of the following:

  • Specify a volume serial number and/or unit that will be handled by your site's ACS routines.

Leave the UNIT and VOLUME installation parameters empty.


MLPREFA - High level data set name qualifiers (prefix) of the IOA Maintenance libraries.

MLVOLA - Serial number of volume on which IOA Maintenance libraries are placed.

MLUNITA - Unit of disk on which IOA Maintenance libraries are placed.

H. Type of access to IOA data sets

Library Type     Access Type        User Category

Base                Update              1

Installation        Read                  2,3,4

Installation        Update              1

Operations        Update              1,2,4

Repository         Update              1,2,3,4

IOA Core           Update              1,2,3,4

Maintenance      Update              1


  1. 1 Users who install and customize INCONTROL products, and determine implementation and policy issues
    The installer needs full access including authority to allocate, read, write, and delete data sets.
  2. 2 Users who create and update definitions of IOA entities, such as conditions and resources
  3. 3 Users of INCONTROL products
  4. 4 Users with special user IDs, such as long running started tasks, or specific system jobs

The IOA Online monitor requires:

  • UPDATE access to all IOA and INCONTROL product data sets
  • READ access to all user data sets (for example, JCL, schedule)

H. Type of access to IOA data sets

This section specifies the access requirements for different dataset types by user category.

Maintenance files store the PTFs (program fixes) for IOA programs and JCL, as well as the jobs that implement them.

I. SMP data sets

Library Type       DSN Prefix     Volume       Unit


SMP CSI             SPCPREF____SPCVOL____None ____

Distribution         SPDPREF____SPDVOL____SPDUNIT__

Zone Names       Target:______(For example, IOA9TZN)

                  Distribution:___(For example, IOA9DZN)

I. SMP data sets

IOA supplies the CSI, SMPPTS, MTS, STS, LTS, and SCDS SMP/E data sets. Choose other SMP data set names and organization according to your local practices.


Configure SMP CSI libraries in any of the following ways:

  • Create a new CSI exclusively for IOA use.
  • Add IOA version 7.0.xx distribution and target zones to an existing CSI data set.
  • Use a separate CSI data set for each IOA 7.0.xx zone, but define these zones in an existing global zone.

See minor step 2.4 "SMP CSI Configuration" for details about each configuration.

J. System changes

Determine which system changes are relevant to your site.

  1. ___1. Define high level qualifiers and associated aliases in catalogs.
  2. ___2. Define IOA subsystem.
  3. ___3. Add the IOA LOAD library to the Authorized libraries list (APF).
  4. ___4. Add the IOA CTRANS library to the Authorized libraries list (APF).
  5. ___5. Add the IOA LOAD library to the LINKLIST.
  6. ___6. Changes to TSO logon procedures.
  7. ___7. VTAM definitions.
  8. ___8. CICS, IMS/DC, COM-PLETE, IDMS/DC, and ROSCOE definitions.
  9. ___9. Define QNAME to multi-CPU access control products such as GRS or MIM.
  10. ___10. JES2 and/or JES3 definitions required by the product.

J. System changes

To determine which of the listed system changes are relevant to your site, see the step that describes that subject, as follows:

  1. ___ 1. Minor step 2.3 "Operation Libraries" and minor step 5.3 "IOA Core"
  2. ___ 2. Major step 9 "Install IOA Subsystem"
  3. ___ 3. Minor step 11.1 "IOA LOAD library"
  4. ___ 4. Minor step 11.2 "Site’s Multiple Access Control (Optional)"
  5. ___ 5. Minor step 11.3 "Linklist Considerations (Optional)"
  6. ___ 6. Minor step 11.4 "TSO Logon Procedure (Optional)"
  7. ___ 7. Major step 16 "Install IOA VTAM Support (Optional)"
                Major step 22 "Install KOA and IOA Routes (Optional)"
  8. ___ 8. Major step 14 "Install IOA CICS Support (Optional)"
  9.             Major step 15 "Install IOA IMS/DC Support (Optional)"
  10.             Major step 17 "Install IOA COM-PLETE Support (Optional)"
  11.             Major step 18 "Install IOA IDMS/DC Support (Optional)"
  12.             Major step 19 "Install IOA ROSCOE Support (Optional)"
  13. ___ 9. Minor step 4.2 "IOA Operational Parameters"
  14. ___10. Minor step 4.1 "Site Software Environment"

K. CPU configuration of this IOA environment

SMF ID ________JES2 SID ___________________

SMF ID ________JES2 SID ___________________

SMF ID ________JES2 SID ___________________

K. CPU configuration of this IOA environment

For each CPU in the target IOA environment, get the SMF ID.

For JES2 systems, get the SID number.

Major step 6 "Customization Process"

Minor step 3 "Specify IOA CPUs"

L. Password information available

Yes ____   No ____

L. Password information available

Verify that you have all password information required for the INCONTROL products you are installing.

M. Libraries related to ISPF

   _____ Use IOA supplied libraries

   _____ Copy IOA members to the site libraries

M. Libraries related to ISPF

Some IOA libraries contain ISPF panels, tables, messages, and skeletons, as well as the TSO CLIST library. To use these members, access them in the original libraries or copy them to other libraries. To use members in the original library, concatenate them to the appropriate DD statements of the logon procedures. For details see major step 8, "Install ISPF Support (Optional)."

N. Install the IOA online monitor

Yes ____   No ____

N. Install the IOA online monitor

You can use IOA online facilities in the following ways:

  • Directly, under TSO by each individual IOA user
  • Directly, under ROSCOE by each individual ROSCOE user
  • Through the IOA online monitor (IOAOMON), which can manage multiple users in a single address space

You can access the IOA online monitor through interfaces to VTAM, CICS, IMS/DC, IDMS/DC, COM-PLETE, ROSCOE, IOAVMON, and from TSO (using cross-memory services).

Whether to install the IOA online monitor depends on the online facilities used at your site and the different types of users. For example, users who already use TSO for their operations can access INCONTROL products through TSO, as usual. However, those who are not familiar with TSO should probably use the IOA online monitor.

O. Install National Language Support

Yes ____   No ____

O. Install National Language Support

If you plan to implement French, German, or Japanese national language support, install it through Step 6 (Install National Language Support) in the ICE CUSTOMIZE section.

Parent Topic

Customized installation