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Step 2.10 – Automated tape Libraries

Select this step to define the RBTTYPE parameter.

Table 115 Automated tape library parameters




Specifies the automated tape libraries to be used. Valid values are:

  • NONE – No automated tape library is used. Default.
  • BTLS – IBM Basic Tape Library Support.
  • OAM – Manages IBM Automated Tape library (ATL) and IBM Virtual Tape Server (VTS)

    Note: In earlier versions the OAM equivalent value was IBMT or SMST.

  • HSC|STK – StorageTek silo managed by HSC.
  • CSC – StorageTek silo managed by Client System Component (CSC) when interacting with a StorageTek silo.
  • MEMOREX – Memorex Telex Automatic Tape library (same as the following value, SUTMYN).
  • SUTMYN—SUTMYN Automatic Tape library (same as the preceding value, MEMOREX).
  • HACC – ADIC (formerly EMASS/GRAU) Automated Libraries, managed by the Host ABBA Communication Control (HACC).
  • FUJITSU – FUJITSU LIBSP magnetic tape library.

The syntax is:


where atltype is any valid RBTTYPE value except NONE.

You can specify up to four automated tape libraries.

For more information about Control‑M/Tape and automated tape libraries, see the Control‑M/Tape Implementation Guide.

Parent Topic

Step 2 – Control-M/Tape installation parameters