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Step 2.9 – Specify general parameters

Table 114 General parameters




Start time of the work day at your site (used for rule scheduling only).

  • Mandatory

The format is:





  • + means after midnight
  • - means before midnight
  • hhmm is the time, in hours and minutes
  • Default: +1200.

DAYTIMET sets the time at which a new work day begins for the purposes of Control‑M/Tape. For example, if DAYTIMET is set to +1000, the hours between midnight and 10:00 A.M. are considered part of the work day of the previous date, so that 6:00 A.M. on 10 February is part of the work day of 9 February.


Specifies a prefix for external volumes to be recorded in the Media Database.

When manually adding external volumes to the Media Database through the External Volume Check‑In screen, Control‑M/Tape can automatically assign a local volume serial number (volser) while the original (physical) volser is kept as the SL‑NAME.

If no value is specified, automatic volser assignment is not activated. Default.

Volsers for external volumes consist of six characters.

To create the volser, Control‑M/Tape supplies a sequence number that it adds to the prefix you have chosen.

If you want Control‑M/Tape to append a sequence number to the prefix during the Check‑In process, insert up to three characters as a prefix for the EXTRNVOL parameter. Control‑M/Tape always assigns the first available sequence number (volser).

The maximum number of volsers with the same prefix is determined by the length of the specified prefix. If you choose a 3‑character prefix, Control‑M/Tape can define a maximum of 999 volsers with that prefix (from 001 through 999). If the prefix is only two characters, 9999 volsers can be defined using that prefix (from 0001 through 9999). If you have a prefix of only one character, Control‑M/Tape can define up to 99999 volsers with that prefix (from 00001 through 99999). For example, the statement


enables assignment of volsers ABC001 through ABC999 to external volumes, while the statement


enables assignment of volsers A00001 through A99999.

Note: BMC recommends that the prefix specified for the EXTRNVOL parameter not be a prefix that is used by any of the internal volumes listed in the Media Database.


Whether rules are checked to see if they are to be executed in TEST mode when PHASED or PROD is specified for the Global Operation mode. This parameter is irrelevant when Global Operation Mode is TEST.

Control‑M/Tape Global Operation Mode is determined by the MODE parameter in the CTTPARM member. In addition, operation mode can be set for a specific rule by the MODE parameter in each rule. When the Global Operation Mode is TEST, Control‑M/Tape operates in TEST mode regardless of the rule mode. However, when Global Operation Mode is either PHASED or PROD, TEST mode can be selectively assigned to certain applications by specifying TEST in the MODE parameter for those rules. Valid values are:

  • Y – Test rules are implemented (in TEST mode). Utilities and online applications load rules to verify the operation mode.
  • N – All rules, including test rules, are implemented according to the Global Operation mode, that is, the MODE parameter in the CTTPARM member. Default.

    Note: If all the jobs are to be run in the same operation mode, TEST, PHASED or PROD, use the default setting, N, for this parameter.


Default name for volumes view.

  • Default: V.


Default name for data sets view.

  • Default: D.


Default name for volume groups view.

  • Default: G.

Parent Topic

Step 2 – Control-M/Tape installation parameters