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Step 2.5 – Specify operational parameters

Table 110 Operational parameters




Protects specific access to scratch volumes.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Scratch volumes can be used only by a SCRATCH and/or PRIVATE request.
  • N – Scratch volumes can be accessed by a specific request. Default.
  • T - This option is like Y for permanent data sets but requests can reopen temporary data sets on scratch volumes.


Determines the handling of NL/BLP (No Label and Bypass Label Processing) tapes for specific requests only.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – The operator is asked to confirm the volume serial number of NL and BLP tapes. Default.
  • A – The operator is asked to confirm the volume serial number for NL and BLP tapes, and to supply volser numbers for nonspecific tapes while operating in TEST mode.
  • N – The JCL volume serial number is accepted by Control‑M/Tape without asking the operator to confirm.

    Note: In TEST mode, setting NLASKOP to Y produces the same result as if NLASKOP was set to N.


The handling of JCL expression EXPDT=98000 when specified on an output request for a controlled volume. This expression instructs Control‑M/Tape to bypass the tape request.

Valid values are:

  • P – The operator is prompted to specify whether the bypass request should be honored. Default.
  • U – The bypass request is ignored and the job continues normal processing.
  • F – The bypass request is honored (forced) without an operator prompt.
  • A – The job is abended.

    Note: In TEST mode, setting X98ASKOP to P, produces the same result as if X98ASKOP was set to F.


Determines the handling of BLP (Bypass Label Processing) requests.

Valid values are:

  • ALL – All BLP data sets are recorded in the Media Database. Default.
  • FIRST – Only the first BLP data set on the volume is recorded in the Media Database. Any BLP access to the volume is recorded as an access to the first data set without recording the sequence number of the data set actually accessed.

    Note: The expression BLPDEF=FIRST is compatible with CA‑1.


The WTO route code for the tape label printer. Any number from 1 through 128 can be specified.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: 13


Whether Control‑M/Tape allows re-creation of data sets. For more information, see the description of the DO RECREATE statement in the rule parameters chapter of the Control‑M/Tape User Guide.

Valid values are:

  • Y – Data sets can be recreated, unless they have been assigned permanent retention. Default.
  • P – Data sets can be recreated even if they were assigned permanent retention.
  • N – Data sets cannot be recreated.
  • D - Data sets can be recreated even if the disposition was new (DISP=NEW). This option is the same as Y without the condition related to DISP=OLD.
  • A - Data sets can be recreated unconditionally. This option is the same as Y without any conditions. Use this option with great caution.


If a job attempts to read a specific data set and the data set is not defined in the Media Database, this parameter determines whether the data set definition is added to the Media Database. Valid values are:

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Data set definition is added to the Media Database and the job is able to access the data set. Default.
  • N – Data set definition is not added to the Media Database and the job abends.


If a job attempts to access a volume, and this volume is not defined in the Media Database, this parameter determines whether a volume definition is added to the Media Database.

  • Mandatory

Two 1-character values must be specified for this parameter, enclosed in parentheses and separated by a comma. The first value indicates the action to take when a specific tape is requested. The second value indicates the action for a nonspecific (SCRATCH) request. The syntax is:


Valid values are:

  • P – A message is displayed, prompting the operator to specify whether the volume definition should be created. Default.

    Note: In TEST mode, setting DYNVOL to P produces the same result as if DYNVOL was set to Y.

  • Y – Volume definition is added to the Media Database without operator prompting. The job is allowed to access the volume.
  • E – Volume definition is added to the Media Database without operator prompting. The volume is marked External.
  • I – Volume is ignored and processing of the job continues without the intervention of Control‑M/Tape. No information is recorded in the Media Database regarding the volume or the data sets contained in that volume.

    Note: If a subsequent tape that is mounted during the run of a job already exists in the Media Database, either the job is abended (for specific tape requests), or the tape is rejected and a different tape is requested (for nonspecific tape requests).

  • N – Volume definition is not added to the Media Database and the job is forced to abend for specific requests, or the volume is rejected for scratch requests.


Determines how the operating system treats an 18‑track tape that is mounted as a scratch tape on a 36‑track drive. Valid values are:

  • Y – If an 18‑track tape is mounted as a scratch tape on a 36‑track drive, Control‑M/Tape directs the operating system to reject the tape, issue message CTT158E, and reissue the mount request. This protects against accidentally reformatting a tape.
  • N – If an 18‑track tape is mounted as a scratch tape on a 36‑track drive, the operating system reformats the tape as a 36‑track tape and allows the tape to be overwritten. Default.

The CNGDENS parameter is irrelevant to the following cases:

  • A 36‑track tape is mounted as a scratch tape on an 18‑track drive. In this case, the operating system asks the operator whether to reformat and overwrite the tape.
  • An 18‑track tape that already contains data sets is mounted on a 36‑track drive. In this case, the operating system rejects the tape.
  • An 18‑track tape is mounted in response to a request for a specific VOLSER on a 36‑track drive. In this case, the operating system reformats the tape as a 36‑track tape and allows the tape to be overwritten.


Controls the number of rejections before ACL is suspended.

  • Mandatory

The format of the parameter is ACLREJC=(p,n).

In this format

  • p is the number of POOL requests
  • n is the number of non-POOL private requests

Default: (2, 2)

Note: You cannot currently use ICE to set a value for the ACLREJC parameter. You can only set this parameter value after installation, by manually editing the CTTPARM member in the IOA.PARM library.


Controls how Control‑M/Tape refers to MVS catalog entries.

Valid values are:

  • N – Control‑M/Tape ignores the label number in the catalog entry. Default.
  • Y – Control‑M/Tape uses the label number when searching for the catalog entry

When CATLGLBL is set to Y, Control‑M/Tape does the following:

  • When the retention of the data set is fixed by reference to its entry in the MVS catalog, Control‑M/Tape keeps the data set active only if there is an entry in the MVS catalog with a label number that matches that of the data set. Otherwise, Control‑M/Tape expires it to become SCRATCH.

For example, a data set with the label number 2 will be scratched unless there is a catalog entry for this data set that refers to the same volser and has a label number of 2.

  • When Control‑M/Tape scratches a data set, it removes it from the catalog only if its entry in the MVS catalog has the same number as the data set in the Media Database.

For example, when a data set with the label number 3 is scratched, the catalog entry for this data set is deleted only if the catalog entry refers to the same volser and has a label number of 3.

Note: You cannot currently use ICE to set a value for the CATLGLBL parameter. You can only set this parameter value after installation, by manually editing the CTTPARM member in the IOA.PARM library.


Controls the activation process of the volumes used for temporary storage.

Valid values are:

  • N - Control-M/Tape ignores all volumes used for temporary storage of files. The volumes remain as SCRATCH in Control-M/Tape after the job using the volumes completes, but remain as active in the ATL. Default.

    Note: Keeping the default TMPVLACT=N can cause discrepancies in the numbers of scratch volumes between Control-M/Tape MDB and ATL and can ultimately result in a shortage in scratch volumes in ATL.

  • Y- Control-M/Tape activates all volumes used for temporary storage. Volumes are set to ACTIVE, PENDIND_SCRATCH after the job that uses the volumes completes. These volumes become SCRATCH during the next CTTRTM run, which includes the Control-M/Tape ATL interface in both the Control-M/Tape database and the ATL.
  • A - For volumes that are ATL-resident, the activation process is as TMPVLACT=Y. Otherwise, for volumes that are not ATL-resident, the activation process is as TMPVLACT=N.


Supports Tape Dataset DFSMS enhanced security, which is activated by setting the TAPEAUTHF1 and TAPEAUTHDSN keywords in DEVSUPxx SYS1.PARMLIB member to YES. Valid values are:

  • N - Control-M/Tape ignores the Mount Exit Security call. Even with TAPEAUTHDSN and TAPEAUTHF1 set to YES, no additional tape authorization checks will be carried out. Default.
  • Y - Control-M/Tape supports additional tape authorization checks for volumes signed as ACTIVE or SCRATCH in the Control-M/Tape Media Database.
  • A - Control-M/Tape supports additional tape authorization checks only for volumes signed as ACTIVE in the Control-M/Tape Media Database.


The interval of time, in minutes, between parameter checks. Each check verifies that all Control-M/Tape vital components function properly.

  • Valid values: 1–60
  • Default: 10 minutes

Parent Topic

Step 2 – Control-M/Tape installation parameters