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Step 2.6 – Specify retention and vault parameters

Table 111 Retention and vault parameters




Whether Control‑M/Tape rule definitions override expiration dates set by the operating system Retention Attributes.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Rule definitions override the operating system Retention Attributes. Default.
  • N – Rule definitions do not override the operating system Retention Attributes.

If the Control‑M/Tape to DFSMS Interface is active, the operating system Retention Attributes are derived from a combination of Retention Limit and Expiration attributes and JCL EXPDT and RETPD values (as described in "Defining Management Class Attributes" in the IBM DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference Manual).

If the Control‑M/Tape to DFSMS Interface is not active, the operating system Retention Attributes are set to the values of the JCL EXPDT and RETPD parameters.

Note: If you convert from CA-TLMS, BMC recommends that you specify Y for this parameter, for compatibility.


Specifies the default normal retention period.

  • Mandatory
  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 9999
  • Default: 7 (days)

This value is used if the normal retention period is not specified in any matching rule, EXPDT and RETPD are not specified in the JCL, and the default retention period is not specified in special rule $DEFAULT.

Note: The retention specified in $DEFAULT is valid when EXPDT and RETPD are not specified in the JCL, even if OVERJCL is set to Y.


Default retention period if the job abends, the job is canceled, or the system crashes.

  • Maximum length: 4 digits
  • Default: 3 (days)

This parameter takes effect if the job abends and the abend retention period is not specified in any matching rule.


Expiration date type. Provides compatibility with the EXPDT JCL parameter as used by CA‑1 or CA‑TLMS. For these products, the EXPDT parameter has either of two meanings. Depending on the value specified, it represents either a normal (expiration) date or a special date (for example, 98000, 99000).

This expiration date affects the logic of vault expirations performed by the CTTVTM utility.

  • Mandatory

When DATE or DAYS retention or vault management criteria are assigned to a data set, valid values are:

  • CA1 – CA‑1 logic applies. DATE or DAYS specifies the day on which the data set is expired or moved to a different vault. The move occurs on the same day as mentioned in the rule. Default.
  • TLMS – CA‑TLMS logic applies. DATE or DAYS specifies the last day of retention or vault management. The data set is expired or moved to a different vault the following day (a day after the date specified in the rule).
  • NONE – Expiration or Vault management date in standard operating system format (a day after the date specified in the rule).

When cyclic retention criteria are specified, valid values are:

  • CA1 – CA‑1 logic applies. Only primary data sets, which are data sets with the LABEL parameter set to 1, are considered in the calculation. Default.
  • Other – All cyclic data sets are considered regardless of label number.

    Note: If special expiration or vault management dates are required, specify CA1 even when CA‑1 conversion is not performed.


Used only for sites converting from CA‑1 or CA‑TLMS. Specifies the name of the DD statement that determines if the EXPDT JCL parameter should be interpreted as only a normal date, or as either a normal or a special date. If a DD statement with the specified name is present in a job, all EXPDT values are interpreted as normal dates.

  • Default: DD2000.


Defines a cycle.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • DATE – Handles data sets with the same data set name and creation date as a single cycle. Default.
  • NONE – Handles data sets with the same data set name as a separate cycle. The creation date is ignored.
  • JOB – Handles data sets with the same data set name and job name as a cycle. The creation date is ignored.
  • JOBDATE – Handles data sets with the same data set name, job name, and creation date as a single cycle.


Determines whether retention is performed on a data set level or on a volume level, or on a multi-volume group. The parameter statement includes two options separated by a comma. The first option is the retention type for a single volume. The second option is the retention type for a multi-volume group.

Valid values for a single volume are:

  • DSN – Each data set expires according to its own specified expiration date. That is, the data set becomes scratched regardless of the volume.
  • VOL – All files of a multifile volume expire at the same time (meaning, when the last one expires). This is compatible with other tape management retention methods. Default.

Valid values for a multi-volume group are:

  • DSN – Each data set expires according to its own specified expiration date. That is, the data set becomes scratched regardless of the multi-volume group.
  • GROUP – All files of a multi-volume group expire at the same time (meaning, when the last one expires). This is compatible with other tape management retention methods. Default.

    Note: A volume becomes SCRATCH by the CTTRTM utility only after all its data sets have expired. The CTTRTM utility ignore the retention of the volume except for external volumes, or volumes without any data sets.


Determines in what situations retention should be updated.

Retention is always updated when the data set is first introduced to the Media Database using Create, Recreate or Dynamic Definition.

Retention can also be updated in other situations, depending on the value specified for the RTNUPD parameter. Valid values are:

  • CRE – Update retention only when the data set is created using Create, Recreate or Dynamic Definition. Default.
  • EXT – Update retention when the data set is extended, for example, by the JCL expression DISP=MOD, in addition to the situations described for the CRE value.
  • UPD – Update retention whenever the data set is accessed for update, in addition to the situations described for the CRE value, for example, when the data set is opened with INOUT or UPDAT mode.
  • ALL – Update retention in all of the above situations.


Indicates how the vaulting pattern of a volume is determined. Valid values are:

  • Y – The first data set of the volume determines the vaulting pattern for the volume. This improves performance of the CTTVTM vault management utility, and is compatible with other tape management system vaulting methods. Default.
  • N – The first data set that contains vaulting data determines the vaulting pattern for the volume.

    Note: Only one data set can determine the vaulting pattern for the whole volume.


Defines the number of wait days before the CTTRTM and CTTVTM Control‑M/Tape utilities check for catalog‑controlled retention data sets (DO RETENTION=MVS CATALOG). In some cases, a data set is created during a job step and cataloged at the end of that job step or a later job step. If the CTTRTM utility is executed after the data set is created but before it is cataloged, the utility expires the data set. The CTLGWAIT parameter causes the CTTRTM utility to wait the number of days specified (after data set creation) before checking if the data set is cataloged.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: 1 (day).


Defines the number of extended retention days that are added to data sets with CATALOG retention after the data set becomes SCRATCH. This option enables the user to add a grace period for data sets with CATALOG retention (DO RETENTION=MVS CATALOG) after they become SCRATCH.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: 0 (days).


Defines the number of extended retention days that are added to data sets with CYCLE retention after the data set becomes SCRATCH. This option enables the user to add a grace period for data sets with CYCLE retention (DO RETENTION=CYCLES) after they become scratch.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: 0 (days).


Specifies how Control-M/Tape performs the slot assignment in the vault. Valid values are:

  • N (No) – Each media type is assigned to a separate slot range. Default.
  • Y (Yes) – All different media types are assigned to a single slot range in each vault. When using this option in the TV screen, all vault (slot and box) definitions must be defined only with the media ALLMEDIA. When you create box definitions under MAINLIB, specify the actual media type and do not specify ALLMEDIA.

After modifying the SLOTRNG1 parameter, you must invoke CTTVTM in SLOTBLD mode to build the in-use slot bitmap inside the Media database.


Controls whether to expire cataloged data sets or not.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Expire cataloged data sets according to the Control-M/Tape retention logic. Default.
  • N (No) – Do not expire cataloged data sets. Only after the data set expires according to Control-M/Tape retention logic, and it is removed from the catalog, does Control-M/Tape expire the data set.
  • G – Do not expire GDG cataloged data sets.

Parent Topic

Step 2 – Control-M/Tape installation parameters