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Step 2.3 – Specify MOUNT and KEEP message format

Select this step to define the MSGFMT parameter.

Table 108 MOUNT and KEEP message format parameters




Specifies the information (paired parameters consisting of a field name and its length) to be added to MOUNT and KEEP messages. The information for each included field is taken from the corresponding field in the Media Database record for that volume. The format of this parameter is:



  • SLNAME is the standard label name. It is the logical name of the volume. The accompanying parameter len defines the length of the SLNAME field.
  • Maximum length: 6 characters.
  • Default length: 6 characters.
  • SLOTNUM is the slot number of the volume. The accompanying parameter len defines the length of the SLOTNUM field.
  • Maximum length: 6 digits.
  • Default length: 6 digits.

    If the value specified for len is less than 6, the leftmost digits are truncated from the slot number. For example, if a length of 4 is specified and the slot number is 123456, 12 is truncated and the value 3456 is displayed.

  • LOCATION is the current location of the volume. The accompanying parameter len defines the length of the LOCATION field.
  • Maximum length: 8 characters.
  • Default length: 8 characters.
  • USERDATA is free text added by the user to describe the volume. The accompanying parameter len defines the length of the USERDATA field.
  • Maximum length: 20 characters.
  • Default length: 20 characters.


  • BOXID contains the box ID if the volume is boxed together with other volumes. The accompanying parameter len defines the length of the BOXID field.
  • Maximum length: 6 characters.
  • Default length: 6 characters.

Fields can be specified in any order. The information from the fields is added to the modified messages after the Volser field. Field information is displayed in the same order the fields are specified in the MSGFMT parameter.

Fields not included in the specification of the MSGFMT parameter are not displayed as part of the information added to the message. If MSGFMT parameter is specified with no fields, no fields are added to the messages.

For a list of messages that can be modified by specification of this parameter, see "DYNWTO " in Step 2.2 – Specify message editing parameters.

Note: The MSGFMT parameter only affects messages that are also indicated as modifiable by the DYNWTO parameter. If the message does not indicate a specific volume (for example, indicates a Scratch volume) or the indicated volume is not defined in the Media Database, no information is added to the message.

Parent Topic

Step 2 – Control-M/Tape installation parameters