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Step 3.3 – CDAM parameters

Enter values for the parameters shown in the following table:

Table 72 CDAM parameters




High level data set name qualifier of user‑created Control‑D CDAM files. This default prefix can be from 1 through 7 characters in length and may include one period. This prefix is used when the user does not specify the PREFIX parameter while using CDAM to create compressed data sets directly from jobs. The prefix should be unique.

All users should have ALTER authority for files with the AMPREF prefix.

The prefix should be different from the prefix defined in the AMPREFD parameter. If Control‑M/Restart is installed, the prefix should be different from the prefix defined in the AMPREFR parameter in the CTRPARM member.

  • Mandatory.


High level data set name qualifier for Control‑D CDAM files containing report output produced by decollation missions. This prefix must be from 1 through 7 characters in length, and may include one period. The Control‑D monitor writes each sysout that is read by the Control‑D monitor from the spool to a data set name that starts with this prefix. This prefix should be different from the prefix defined in the AMPREF parameter.

All users should have READ authority for files with the AMPREFD prefix. The Control‑D monitor procedure and the Control‑D administrator should have ALTER authority for files with this prefix.

If Control‑M/Restart is installed, the prefix should be different from the prefix defined in AMPREFR parameter in the CTRPARM member.

  • Mandatory


Default number of blocks in the first logical extent of a CDAM data set. The recommended number, which is used at installation time, is 100. For a full explanation of this parameter, see the CDAM chapter in the Control‑D User Guide.

  • Mandatory


Block size to be used when allocating Control‑D CDAM sysout data sets.

  • Mandatory

Recommended values are:

  • For 3350: 19068
  • For 3380: 23476
  • For 3390: 27998. Default.

Other block sizes can be specified but may waste space.


Default prefix used by the Control‑D monitor for CDAM sysout data sets allocated under the ALLOCOPT=JOBSDSN1 option (multiple jobs in one file). This prefix must be from 1 through 7 characters in length and may include one period. This prefix must be different than those specified in the AMPREF and AMPREFD parameters.

  • Mandatory

All users should have READ authority for files with the JB1PREF prefix. The Control‑D monitor procedure and the Control‑D administrator should have ALTER authority for files with this prefix.

If Control‑M/Restart is installed, the prefix should be different from the prefix defined in the AMPREFR parameter in the CTRPARM member.


Allows allocation of Control-D CDAM files on EAV (Extended Address Volumes).

Valid values are:

  • OPT- Allows allocation on EAV.
  • NO - Prevents allocation on EAV.

If not defined, the EAVUSE#D value is used by default.

EAVUSE#C can be overridden, as follows:

  • for new CDAM by parameter EAVUSE defined either in PRINT/CDAM PARMS in decollation mission definition or parameter SUBSYS in JCL DD statement
  • for CDAM files migrated on DASD by parameter EAVUSE#S in IOASPRM member


Default unit for CDAM sysout data sets. This unit is used for sysouts removed from the spool by the Control‑D monitor. This unit is also used if the UNIT parameter is not specified when invoking the CDAM directly from jobs. If AMVOLD is not specified, the volumes to be used for CDAM sysout data sets must be defined in the VATLSTnn member in the SYS1.PARMLIB library with an attribute of STORAGE.

If AMUNITD is specified but AMVOLD is not specified, the limit of 6 different volumes (described in the description of the following parameter) is not applicable.

The unit name must be a valid unit name from 1 through 8 characters.


Default volume serial numbers for Control‑D CDAM sysout data sets. The volume serial number must range from 1 through 6 characters.

Valid values are:

  • AMVOLD= – Use only the AMUNITD definition.
  • AMVOLD=(xxxxxx,yyyyyy,...) – Use the AMUNITD definition, but only on the specified volumes. A maximum of six different volumes can be specified.

Note: CDAM data sets are pointed to by the VTOC. Therefore, BMC recommends that a large VTOC be specified in the production environment.


Default setting for regular (non-JOBSDSN) CDAM files.

Valid values are:

  • Y = by default, data is encrypted before it is written to CDAM file.
  • N = by default, data is not encrypted before it is written to CDAM file.

Default: N


Default setting for JOBSDSN CDAM files.

Valid values are:

  • Y = by default, data is encrypted before it is written to CDAM file.
  • N = by default, data is not encrypted before it is written to CDAM file.

Default: N


Number of bytes in block to leave for data expansion since encryption may increase the size of the data. Use the following format: AMENCFRE=nnn

Default: 16


The maximum length (in bytes) of administrative data kept for each CDAM file. Use the following format: AMENCDLN=nnn

Default: 32

Parent Topic

Step 3 – Specify target configuration parameters