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Step 3.4 – Control-D/PC related parameters (optional)

Enter values for the parameters shown in the following table:

Table 73 Control‑D/PC related parameters




High level data set name qualifier for Control‑D/PC mainframe files and temporary CDAM files (used when retrieving PDF report pages). A maximum of 7 characters (including an optional period) can be specified for this prefix. If not specified, the default is the value specified in the AMPREFD parameter. If %%OPREF is specified, the prefix of the first file of the original CDAM file is used. BMC recommends, however, that this prefix be different from the value specified in the AMPREFD parameter.


Number of tracks for Control‑D/PC index files.

  • Maximum: 255 tracks can be specified.
  • Default: 10.


Number of blocks in the Control‑D/PC Active Transmission file. The recommended value is approximately the number of Control‑D/PC users divided by 36.

  • Minimum number of blocks: 3
  • Mandatory


Unit name of Control‑D/PC mainframe files. If PCUNIT is not specified, the default for CDAM files is the value specified in AMUNITD, or the file is allocated to a direct access volume for the index file. The unit name must be a valid unit name ranging from 1 through 8 characters.


Volume serial numbers for Control‑D/PC mainframe files. The volume serial number must range from 1 through 6 characters. Valid values are:

  • '  ' (Blank) – When no volume is specified, storage volumes are used.
  • PCVOLS=(xxxxxx,yyyyyy,zzzzzz) – Use the PCUNIT specification, but only on the specified volumes. A maximum of three different volumes can be specified.

    The PCBLKSZ parameter is no longer available using ICE. To set the PCBLKSZ parameter, edit the parameter manually in the CTDPARM member in the IOA.PARM library. PCBLKSZ should be set to a value greater than 296, which is the CMP block size. For more information, see the CTDAM macro.

Parent Topic

Step 3 – Specify target configuration parameters