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Adding Channels

Type Add in the COMMAND field in the Create/Update Channel screen, and press Enter.

The Add New Channel screen is displayed.

Figure 31 Add New Channel screen

------------------------------- Add New Channel ------------------------------ 

COMMAND ===>                                                                   


 Type Channel details and press Enter to Save                                  

 Press PF3 to exit                                                             


   Channel ID........................... ==>                                   


   Communication Model.................. ==>                       (MC/DC)     


   Communication Protocol............... ==>                       (TCP/SNA)   


   TCP/IP port number................... ==>                       (1024-65534)


   VTAM LU6.2 APPLID.................... ==>                                   


   IP Addresses Validation.............. ==> NO                    (Yes/No)    

   ECAIPLS Member Name suffix........... ==>                                   



PORT specification:                                                            

The following default IOAGATE ports are defined on the desktop side:           

2370 for CTMAS communications with CTM/EM                                      

2369 for CTMCAS communications with CTM/CM                                     

If you want to use the desktop defaults then specify these ports accordingly here.

For each channel you want to add, do the following:

When you have finished adding new channels, press PF03/PF15. The channels will be displayed on the Create/Update Channel screen.

Parent Topic

Step 20.2 – Configure IOAGATE parameters