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Validation of an incoming IP address

This feature enables you to validate incoming IP addresses against a table in the ECAIPLSx member in IOA.PARM library. This list of IP addresses is a source table that contains IP addresses that are allowed or forbidden to communicate with IOAGATE. All incoming addresses are checked against the table.

Define these IP addresses using one of the following methods:

Note: When IPv6 is enabled on the z/OS system, IOAGATE messages display incoming IPv4 connections in the form of IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses. However, do not use IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses in the ECAIPLSx member. Use the IPv4 addresses instead. IPv6 addresses can be specified in full (39 characters) or abbreviated format (for example, 'fd66:bc12:ac12:101::3'.

For details on how to define IP addresses, see Guidelines for defining IP addresses.

For examples on how to code IP addresses, see Examples.

Parent Topic

IOAGATE installation and configuration considerations