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Advanced parameters

To insert values for advanced parameters, type A in the Sel field of any row containing an Application Server. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 29 Application Server Advanced Parameters screen

 ------------------- Application Server Advanced Parameters ------------------

 COMMAND ===>                                                                 


  Fill the following fields and press Enter to Save                           

  Press PF3 to exit                                                           


  Application name: M             Channel: O1      Procname: CTMAS            


 Non-Swappable............(NONSWAP)  ==>           (YES/NO)                   

 Compression..............(COMPRESS) ==>           (YES/NO)                   

 No. of server tasks......(NUMSRV)   ==>           (1-200 For Appl=D,F only)  

 Automatic recoveries.....(MAXRECOV) ==>           (0-99)                     

 Encryption     ..........(ENCRYPT)  ==>           (NO,YES)for Appl=D         

 Enable/Disable...........(SERVER)   ==>           (Enable/Disable)           


 Time intervals                                                               


 Server wait interval.....(SLEEPINT) ==>           (3-30   sec)               

 Server timeout...........(TIMEOUT)  ==>           (1-7200 sec)               

 Service duration.........(SERVDUR)  ==>           (0-3600 sec)               

 Warning repeater.........(NWARNING) ==>           (0-99 SERVDUR interval)    

 Startup duration.........(STRTDUR)  ==>           (30-999 sec)               

 Abnormal status duration.(STATDUR)  ==>           (0-7200 sec)               

 Busy duration threshold..(BUSYDUR)  ==>           (0-999  min)               

The parameters in this screen have defaults that generally need not be changed. First-time installers should refrain from changing them.

Table 37 Application Server Advanced Parameters




Whether the Application Server address space is non-swappable.

Valid values are:

  • YES – The Application Server address space is non-swappable. Default.
  • NO – The Application Server address space is swappable.


Whether the Application Server messages are compressed.

Valid values are:

  • YES – Application Server messages are compressed.
  • NO – Application Server messages are not compressed.

The default depends on the application code, as follows:

  • C - YES
  • D – NO
  • M – YES
  • O – NO (YES is not supported)
  • F – NO (YES is not supported)
  • J – NO (YES is not supported)


The number of identical Application Server tasks that can be attached within the application server address space.

This parameter is used by the Control‑D Page On Demand and the Control‑D File Transfer options.

The number of Application Server tasks that can be specified and attached primarily depends upon the specific application.

Each Application Server task can serve multiple clients serially. It is allocated to a specific client only for the duration of the exchange of a single request or response.

  • Valid values are: 1 through 200.
  • For a large number of concurrent Control-D/WebAccess connections (100 or more), a value of 25 or higher is recommended.
  • Default: 10.

Note: In practice the upper limit may be lower than 200 due to resource constraints, such as lack of storage in the IOAGATE address space or in the application server address space or in both. As a general rule, avoid exceeding a value of 50. If you require more than 50 servers, define additional Application Server address spaces.

The combined number of application address spaces per IOAGATE is 99. The maximum number of application server address spaces per channel is 8. BMC recommends not exceeding a total of 500 application server tasks in all application address spaces combined.


The maximum number of permitted subsequent automatic recoveries.

For more information about the interval between recovery attempts, and what constitutes a new failure, see "RECVRSET" in Global IOAGATE parameters.

  • Valid values are 0-99.
  • Default: 3.

If MAXRECOV is set to 0, automatic recovery is disabled for this Application Server address space.



Whether data transfer encryption is performed with Control‑D/WebAccess Server.

Valid values are:

  • NO – no encryption is performed. Default.
  • YES – encryption is performed.


  • This parameter can only be used if APPL is set to D.
  • The setting of this parameter must match the encryption set in Control‑D/WebAccess Server.

Beginning with version 6.1.00, IOAGATE enables data transfer encryption with Control‑D/Web Access Server version 3.2.00 installations.

The encryption process requires a KEYS file. This KEYS file is generated on the Control‑D/WebAccess Server installation by means of the BMC-ECA-KEYGEN.EXE application.

Use FTP and ASCII mode to transfer the generated KEYS file to the z/OS installation where IOAGATE is running.

The name of the KEYS file must comply with the following rules:

  • When ENCRYPT is set to a value other than NO, IOAGATE automatically allocates the DD name DAKEYS to include the keys used for encryption and decryption.
  • DAKEYS is defined in IOADSN as
    For example, if %OLPREFA% is set to IOAP.V900, DAKEYS has the data set name IOAP.V900.KEYS.

If the default name is unsuitable, you can define another name, using one of the following methods:

  • Define the DAKEYS file in the IOADSNL member of the IOA.PARM library.
  • Allocate the DAKEYS file explicitly in IOA PROC JCL.

You must protect the KEYS file from access by unauthorized users, but IOAGATE must have authorized READ access to the KEYS file.


Enable or disable the Application Server indicator during this IOAGATE run.

Valid values are

  • ENABLE – Use the current Application Server declaration. Default.
  • DISABLE – Ignore the current Application Server declaration.


The sleep time interval for Application Server tasks, in seconds. The Control‑M Application Server uses this parameter.

  • Valid values are: 2 through 30 (seconds).
  • Default: 6.


Sets the application server timeout (in seconds). The function of the parameter is determined by the application.

This parameter is used only by the Control‑D (and Control‑D File Transfer Option) Application servers to determine the user inactivity period. After that period has elapsed, the server will log the user off automatically if another user logs on.

  • Valid values are: 1-7200 seconds.
  • Default: 1800


Sets the allowable interval (interval) of any service (transaction), in seconds.

When a service exceeds this interval, a warning message is issued. When SERVDUR is set to 0, the check is disabled.

  • Valid values are: 0-3600 seconds.
  • Default: 60


Controls the frequency of reporting about long running transactions using message ECAB43W, which is described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Messages Manual.

When a transaction runs longer than the threshold defined by the SERVDUR parameter, IOAGATE does one of the following:

  • Issue a single warning (when NWARNING = 0).
  • Issue a periodic warning (when NWARNING > 0).

The value of NWARNING sets the number of SERVDUR interval periods before a second or subsequent ECAB43W warning message is issued.

Valid values are from 0 through 99. The default depends on the application code, as follows:

  • C - 0 (ECAB43W message is issued only once)
  • D – 1 (ECAB43W message is issued every SERVDUR interval)
  • M – 0 (ECAB43W message is issued only once)
  • O – 0 (ECAB43W message is issued only once)
  • F – 0 (ECAB43W message is issued only once)
  • J – 0 (ECAB43W message is issued only once)


Sets the maximum duration of the Start or Recovery process of an Application Server address space or application server, in seconds.

When the Start or Recovery duration exceeds this value, a warning message is issued.

  • Valid values are: 30-999 seconds.
  • Default: 60


Sets the maximum duration for an Application Server task in an abnormal status before a warning message is issued.

  • Valid values are: 0-7200 seconds.
  • Default: 60

If STATDUR is set to 0, no warning is sent.

Note: There can be several abnormal statuses such as: PENDING, SUSPEND, WAIT.


Sets the maximum duration of Busy status for an application server task.

If an application server task remains in Busy status longer than the BUSYDUR value, the server task is presumed to be hung, and it is recycled. Valid values are: 0‑999 minutes

The default depends on the application code, as follows:

  • C - 0 (disabled)
  • D – 15
  • M – 0 (disabled)
  • O – 5
  • F – 15
  • J – 5

When you have finished inserting values for advanced parameters, press Enter to save these values, and then press End to return to the Create/Update Application Server screen.

Parent Topic

Step 20.2 – Configure IOAGATE parameters