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Global IOAGATE parameters

In the IOAGATE Parameters Menu screen, option 3, Global, updates global IOAGATE parameters. This step is optional.

Type 3 in the OPTION field and press Enter. The Parameter Data Entry screen is displayed.

The parameters of the Parameter Data Entry screen have defaults that generally need not be changed. First-time installers should refrain from changing them.

Table 41 Parameter Data Entry screen parameters




Whether IOAGATE should stay up when all application server address spaces have failed. Determines whether IOAGATE should continue running when all application server address spaces failed and cannot be recovered.

Valid values are:

  • Yes (default)
  • No


IOAGATE sleeping interval in seconds.

The sleeping time interval defines for how long the main task of IOAGATE will relinquish control when it is inactive.

  • Valid values are: 2 through 30 (seconds).
  • Default: 6.


Whether the IOAGATE address space is non‑swappable.

Valid values are:

  • Yes – The IOAGATE address space is non‑swappable (default).
  • No – The IOAGATE address space is not non‑swappable.


Recovery reset time interval, in seconds.

The RECVRSET works in conjunction with the MAXRECOV parameter. MAXRECOV limits the number of automatic recovery attempts of an application server address space or an application server task failure. This limits the number of attempts to restore the same application server address space failure or task recurring failure, but allows recovery attempts of new failures.

The value assigned to the RECVRSET parameter distinguishes between another recovery attempt for the previous failure and a recovery attempt for a new failure. A recovery attempt with an interval greater than this recovery rate value is not considered a subsequent recovery attempt, but rather, a new failure.

  • Valid values are: 3 through 300 (seconds).
  • Default: 60.



Whether statistics collection should be initiated at IOAGATE startup. Valid values are:

  • Yes – statistics collection is initiated at IOGATE startup.
  • No – statistics collection is not initiated at IOGATE startup (default)
  • Note: It is also possible to manually start statistics collection at any time by using the STATON modify command.


Sets the statistics collection time interval, in minutes.

Statistics are summarized in STATINTR periods. IOAGATE keeps only the last 6 periods in memory.

  • Valid values are: 1 through 250 (minutes).
  • Default: 10.


The name that represents IOAGATE as an element of Automatic Restart Management (ARM).

When this parameter is enabled, the operating system automatically restarts IOAGATE after an unexpected failure, using ARM.

When specifying an element name, apply the following rules:

  • The name can be from 1 through 16 characters.
  • The name must be unique across the Sysplex.
  • Valid characters are uppercase alphabetic characters, the digits 0 through 9, and the following symbols: $, #, @ and underscore (_).
  • The first character may not be a number.
  • Element names that start with A through I, and SYS, are reserved for use by IBM.

Valid values are:

  • N or NO – ARM is not enabled. The operating system does not attempt to restart IOAGATE if it fails unexpectedly. Default.
  • policy_name – Name of the ARM Policy.

This element name must exactly match the ELEMENT ARM policy parameter, or the operating system will use the default policy. For more information, see IOAGATE installation and configuration considerations and the section on Automatic Restart Management support in the Control‑M chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Hanging detection time interval.

The hanging detection mechanism detects hanging situations where the application server, or IOAGATE itself, or the channel, seems to be hanging. The detection principle is based on checking whether messages are being accumulated for the application server, but those messages are not actually being passed to the server. Checking also involves determining whether messages are being accumulated to be passed to a channel, but are not passed to the channel.

Hanging detection is activated once each number of HANGDINT seconds. A warning is issued when a hanging situation exists for the last HANGDNIN intervals of HANGDINT seconds.

  • Valid values are: 10-255 (seconds).
  • Default: 60.


Number of hanging detection intervals.

This parameter is used to determine the number of consecutive HANGDINT intervals, in which a hanging situation has been detected, that may occur before a warning message is issued.

  • Valid values are: 2-255.
  • Default: 4.


The interval during which IOAGATE waits silently for at least one Application Server task to be ready.

The following message is issued when this time interval expires.


  • Valid values are from 1 to 255 (minutes).
  • Default: 3


The interval between the first time the ECAE53W message is issued and the subsequent occurrences, while IOAGATE waits for an Application Server task to be ready.

  • Valid values are from 1 to 255 (minutes).
  • Default: 3

If errors occur while building ECAPARM, the errors are displayed. Correct the errors and select this option again.

When you are satisfied with the values that are displayed, press PF03/PF15. This will save the parameters and exit this screen to the IOAGATE Parameters Menu.

This step will automatically be marked complete.

Parent Topic

Step 20.2 – Configure IOAGATE parameters