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Step 4.2 – IOA operational parameters

Insert values for the following IOA operational parameters:

Table 15 IOA operational parameters




2-character ID of the IOA installation.

This ID is for distinguishing between different IOA installations using the same libraries (that is, PROCLIB).

  • Default: Blank.

NOTE: The INSTID parameter was removed from the ICE screen in version 8.0.00, and later, because it is obsolete. It is supported "as is" from prior versions in case the parameter "Insert reference into current values" is defined as "Y".


4-character name of the IOA subsystem.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: I900


Controls dynamic definition of the IOA subsystem, Control-D Compressed Access Method (CDAM) subsystem, IOA Archive Server subsystem, Control-O subsystem, Control-M Event Manager subsystem, and optionally the IOA Online Monitor subsystem.

For more details about subsystem definition, see Defining subsystems

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Allow dynamic definition of the subsystem. If the subsystem does not exist, it is dynamically defined. Default.
  • N – Prevents dynamic definition of the IOA subsystem. If the subsystem defined in the SSNAME parameter does not exist, the subsystem initialization fails.


3-character language code used for messages and screens.

  • Mandatory

Four languages are supported, that is, elements in the installation are provided for these languages.

Valid codes are:

  • ENG (English) – default
  • FRA (French)
  • GER (German)
  • JPN (Japanese)


The code page used to translate text data from other platforms.

Text data arriving from other platforms may be encoded in Unicode or ASCII. Before such data can be analyzed, it must be converted into the coding used by the current system. Usually, that is one of the EBCDIC code pages. This parameter is used to define the code page that is used.

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values are from 1 through 12 characters.
  • Default: IBM-1140

Example: Control‑D decollates an XML document that is encoded in UTF-8. The decollation definition contains strings encoded in EBCDIC, code page IBM-1140. In order to be handled correctly by the decollation mission, the processed document must be translated from UTF-8 to IBM-1140.


Specifies a name for ENQ requests to IOA Core and Repository files that have a QNAME, such as the IOA Log file, IOA Conditions file, Control‑M Active Jobs file, Control‑M Resources file, and the Control‑D Active Missions file.

IOA uses an enqueue mechanism to enable multiuser access to these files.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 8 characters
  • Default: The environment name

IOA issues the MVS ENQ request using the SYSTEMS option. When working in a multiple computer environment, an additional product, such as GRS, MIM, SDSI, SUPER‑MSI, or a similar enqueue manager, is required to allow synchronized update of the IOA Core from multiple computers. Otherwise, the IOA Core can be updated from one computer only, although data retrieval from other computers is still possible. In a multiple computer environment, for example, when using CTMPLEX, you must add the IOA QNAME to the enqueue manager product parameters, as a QNAME to be handled for multi‑computer synchronized access.

The Control‑M, Control‑D, or Control‑O monitors should not be started during IPL until after the enqueue manager has finished its initialization.

Note: At certain sites, Control‑O is started at the early stages of the IPL process to start other address spaces. If Control‑O is started before activating the enqueue manager product at your site, verify that the enqueue manager is completely initialized before attempting to update the IOA Core, by issuing rule statements such as DO COND, DO RESOURCE, DO FORCEJOB or DO SHOUT to the IOA LOG. Otherwise, the integrity of the IOA files can be affected.


Specifies a special ENQ name to be used by all IOA environments to access the Control‑M/Tape repository.

The Control‑M/Tape repository is protected by an ENQ name specified in member IOAPARM. The same ENQ name must be specified for the Control‑M/Tape repository in each environment that accesses this database. This allows different IOA environments to access the Control‑M/Tape repository from various systems in the complex.

Each IOA environment has its own IOAPARM member containing a QNAME parameter (used for ENQ requests on the IOA Core). If the value of QNAME is identical in all environments, there is no need to specify a CTTQNAM parameter. Do not add this parameter or specify a null value. This enables various IOA components to use the value specified for the QNAME parameter.

If the value of QNAME is not the same in all the IOA environments, a value must be specified for the CTTQNAM parameter.

  • Valid values are alphanumeric characters and special characters ($, #, and @).
  • Maximum: 8 characters.

Note: CTTQNAM must be specified in the IOAPARM member in all IOA environments that share the same Control‑M/Tape Database.

If a value is specified for CTTQNAM, Control‑M/Tape issues the ENQ with the systems option. In multiple computer installations, an additional enqueue manager product (such as GRS or MIM) may be required to allow synchronized update of the database from multiple computers. If such a product is not active at your site, activate Control‑M/Tape support of the MVS RESERVE facility, by setting the CTTRSRV parameter to Y.

If an additional enqueue manager is in use at your site, you may need to add the value of the CTTQNAM parameter to the product parameters as a QNAME to be handled for multi‑computer synchronized access.


Whether Control-M/Tape Reserve support is activated.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Activate Control‑M/Tape Reserve support.
  • N – Do not activate Control‑M/Tape Reserve support. Default.

If you operate a multi‑computer site without an enqueue manager product (such as GRS or MIM) and several computers share the same Media Database, activate Control‑M/Tape support of the MVS RESERVE facility by specifying Y for this parameter.


Identification number assigned by IOA to the SYSPLEX member on which the IOA installation is running.

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values: 1 through 15
  • Default: 1

The value 1 indicates that the installation defined with that value is the primary installation.

This identification number is used:

  • by IOA to identify the SYSPLEX member where the IOA Conditions (CND) file is located
  • by Control‑M to identify the SYSPLEX member where the Control‑M Resources (RES) file is located

When more than one IOA installation must access a common CND or RES file, each of these installations must have a distinctive IOAID.


QNAME used for shared ENQ requests for the IOA Conditions file (CND) and the Control‑M Resolutions (RES) file.

The value of this parameter must be the same in all IOA and INCONTROL installations that must access a common CND or RES file. To enable multiuser access to its database, IOA uses the ENQ mechanism.

  • Maximum: 8 characters.

Note: If any of the following are true, ignore the steps that follow this Note, and continue with DATETYP, the following parameter in this table:

  • Your site does not have a multiple computer environment.
  • IOA is installed on only one computer in your environment.
  • Neither the IOA Conditions file nor the Control‑M Resources file is shared by multiple IOA installations at your site.

If more than one IOA installation is sharing a Condition and Resource file, do the following to define that file:

If the resource file is shared:

Define the primary IOA installation by assigning a value of 1 to the IOAID parameter in that installation.

Define the additional systems by assigning consecutive numbers (2, 3, and so on) to the IOAID parameter in each additional installation.

Specify the same value for the SHRQNAM parameter on all IOA systems that share the CND file and RES file. If specified, the value of SHRQNAM should be propagated by GRS, MIM, SDSI, SUPER‑MSI, and so on (see below.)

Make sure that the value of QNAME is different than the value of SHRQNAM.

Manually change all the allocations to refer to the shared CND and RES files.

IOA issues an ENQ with the SYSTEMS option. When working in a multiple computer environment, an additional product may be required to allow synchronized updating of the database from multiple computers. If such a product does not exist, the CND and RES files can be updated from one computer only.

Formatting the CND file can only be done by the primary IOA installation.

Note: If a product such as GRS, MIM, SDSI, or SUPER‑MSI is installed at your site, you may need to add the value of SHRQNAM to the product parameters as a QNAME for handling multi‑computer synchronized access.


Date format used at the site:

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • W – ddmmyy (default)
  • A – mmddyy
  • J – yymmdd

    If the DATETYP parameter value is changed post-installation, it must be modified via the ICE interface (and not simply by editing the IOAPARM member in the IOA PARM library) to properly propagate the new value to any IOA/Control-M ISPF utilities which are dependent on the site date formats.


Starting day of the week.

This value is used for the Date Scheduling parameters Ln, ‑Ln, Dn, ‑Dn, DnPi, ‑DnPi, LnPi, ‑LnPi, DnWm. For more information, see the WDAYS parameter in the INCONTROL product you are installing.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • MON – Monday (default)
  • SUN – Sunday

    WARNING: BMC recommends that you do not change this parameter once Control-M has been in operation in a production environment, or you might introduce unwanted shifts in scheduling.


Specify starting day of week.

This value is used for the date scheduling formats n, ‑n, +n, >n, and <n. For more information, see the description of the WDAYS parameter in the guide for the INCONTROL product you are installing. If a blank is specified for this parameter, the value is taken from the SWEEK parameter.

Valid values are:

  • MON – Monday
  • SUN – Sunday
  • '  ' (Blank) – Value taken from the SWEEK parameter (default)

Note: Duplication of the SWEEK and SWEEK1 parameters exists to provide compatibility with previous versions of INCONTROL products. Under normal circumstances, leave the SWEEK1 parameter blank.


The start time of the work day at your site.

  • Mandatory

The start time defines the beginning of a new work day when Control-M is not installed. When Control-M is installed, parameter DAYTIMEM will be in effect. The format is:

DAYTIMEI = +hhmm or -hhmm


  • + is after midnight
  • - is before midnight
  • hhmm is the time, in hours and minutes format
  • Default: +1200.


Audit tables update to the IOA LOG file.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Write to the IOA LOG any table updates. Messages IOAE38I or IOAE7HI may display.
  • N – No. Default.


Enable online users to turn on Trace.

Valid values are:

  • Y – Allow. Default.
  • N – Do not allow.

Parent Topic

Step 4 – Specify IOA parameters