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Step 4.1 – Site software environment

Modify the values for parameters related to the software at the site.

Table 14 Site software environment parameters




Name of the Assembler program.

  • Maximum: 8 characters
  • Default: ASMA90.


Type of JES in use at your site.

Valid values are:



'  ' (Blank). ICE automatically determines whether IOA is being installed at a JES2 or JES3 site. Default.

Insert a value for this parameter only if your JES subsystem name is not JES2 or JES3.

Note: If you have installed, or intend to install, Control‑O, and you plan to start Control‑O during IPL, you must specify a value for the JESTYPE parameter. Do not leave it blank.


JES version at your installation.

Valid values are:

  • nnn, where nnn is a 3-digit number
  • '  ' (Blank). Default.

Insert a value for this parameter only if the JES version at the site is different than the MVS version.


This parameter is used by all INCONTROL products as the JES command character when issuing JES commands.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: $

Note: Most characters specified for this parameter are specified as is (for example, JESCHAR=$). However, certain characters must be entered in a special format. To specify /, =, or & as the value for the JESCHAR parameter, specify ‘/’, ‘=’, or ‘&&’, respectively.

Under JES2, this parameter is also used:

  • by all INCONTROL products, when issuing MVS commands to another system ($NnMm or $Mm commands)
  • by the Control‑M Event Manager (CMEM) facility, to identify messages issued by the primary JES
  • by Control‑O, to identify messages for CMEM processing
  • by messages, for tracking NJE communication
  • for releasing jobs under CMEM control
  • under Control‑M, for starting STCs or sending Shout messages to remote machines or nodes.


Method of issuing JES3 commands.

Valid values are:

  • '  ' (Blank) – For running the Control‑M, Control‑D or Control‑O monitor, or any combination of these, on the global processor. Default.
  • GE220L – For running the Control‑M, Control‑D or Control‑O monitor, or any combination of these, on a local processor.

Parent Topic

Step 4 – Specify IOA parameters