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Step 30. Prepare Control-V
  1. Change user file parameters

    Change Control‑V User files parameters by using the "Customize Control‑V User Files" major step, under Product Customization for Control-V, in ICE Customization.

  2. Recalculate file space

    Recalculate the space of the IOA Access Method Migrated Users file and reformat by using the jobs in ICE Customization.

  3. Modify installation parameters

    Verify that the values assigned to the following installation parameters in the current version installation are suitable for production. Change the values using the "CTVPARM Post‑Installation" ICE major step, under Product Customization for Control-V, in ICE Customization.

    Table 18 Control‑V installation parameters


    Additional considerations


    The value of IXHPREF must be different than the values of parameters DSNPREF and SECPREF. For details, see step 28.4.


    IXUNIT is the default unit for index files.

    IXVOL sets default volume serial numbers for index files.

  4. Save parameters

    Save parameters by performing the "Save Parameters into Product Libraries" minor step.

  5. Modify definition parameters

    Modify the new IOA Archive Server Media Definition parameters. Check the following parameters by using the "Edit Media Parameters and Build IOASPRM" minor step of the "Archive Server Post-Installation" major step, under Product Customization for Control-V, in ICE Customization.

    Table 19 IOA archive server media definition parameters


    Additional considerations


    This parameter can optionally have the same value that it has in the version you are upgrading from.


    The value of SECPREF must be different than IXHPREF and DSNPREF.

Parent Topic

Preparing for migrating adjusted products