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Step 29. Prepare Control-D
  1. Prepare New Day procedure

    To prevent the New Day procedure from running twice on the same day (once on the old Control‑D version and again on Control‑D the current release), do one of the following:

    Note: Print missions that ran on previous Control-D versions before upgrading cannot be rerun after upgrading. Such missions should be reordered manually in the new version of Control-D.

  2. Modify data set parameters

    Change data set parameter values and customize all formatting jobs in the "Customize Control‑D User Files" and "Customize Control‑D Dataset Parameters" major steps, under Product Customization for Control-D, in ICE Customization.

    These steps let you

  3. Change user report file parameters

    Recalculate the space of the following IOA Access Method files:

  4. Change repository parameters

    The following parameters affect the allocation and formatting of the Control‑D Repository:

    Table 16 Control‑D repository parameters


    Additional considerations


    Number of records in the Control‑D Active Missions file.


    Number of blocks in the Control‑D/WebAccess Server Active Transmission file.


    The number of entries in the Control‑D internal communication file.


    If you change the values of any of these parameters and you defined a User Catalog, redefine the ALIAS name of the User Catalog.

  5. Modify installation parameters

    Review all the parameters in the CTDPARM member of the new installation. Verify that the values assigned to the parameters are suitable for production. Change the values by using the "CTDPARM Post‑Installation" major step, under Product Customization for Control-D, in ICE Customization.

    Check the following parameters:

    Table 17 Control‑D installation parameters


    Additional considerations


    Block size to be used when allocating Control‑D CDAM sysout data sets.


    Unit for CDAM sysout data sets.


    Volume serial numbers for Control‑D CDAM sysout data sets.


    If you have production jobs that write directly to CDAM, it is very important to use the CDAM subsystem name of the current production installation. If this parameter has a different value, change it to the production system value. Be sure to place an initialization command in COMMANDxx of SYS1.PARMLIB for the new Control‑D subsystem. For more information about this procedure, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.


    Start time of the Control‑D work day. The DAYTIMED parameter specifies to Control‑D when a new work day begins.


    Determines whether, and how many, SMF records are to be generated for accounting purposes.


    Set these parameters to the procedure names of the current release Control‑D production environment.

  6. Delete files

    Delete the following files:

    Use the CTDUFDEL sample job in the Control‑D JCL library or ISPF option 3.4. For example, for the Active User file, use the CTDUFDEL sample job with the %DBPREFD%.ACT prefix to delete all related files.

    Alternatively, you can use ISPF option 3.4 to list all files with the %DBPREFD%.ACT* prefix. The list includes the DATA file and its extents, the INDEX file and its extents, and the DUAL files. Delete all listed files.

  7. Reformat files

    Reformat the files using the jobs in ICE Customization.

Parent Topic

Preparing for migrating adjusted products