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Step 6. Install Control-D

If you do not intend to run Control‑D at your site, skip this step.

Install Control‑D following the instructions in the Control‑D installation chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing. Observe the following rules:

  1. Assign parameter values

    Use ICE to assign values to the current release parameters in the following table that are different than the values of the corresponding parameters in the version you are now using. For details, see the DEFPARM member in the IOA.PARM library.

    Table 8 Control‑D parameters




    Prefix of the Control‑D Installation library


    Prefix of the Control‑D Operations libraries


    Prefix of the Control‑D Repository

  2. While you are testing the current release, the names of Control‑D started tasks, such as CONTROLD, must differ from the names of the same started tasks in the version you are now using.
  3. Assign a value to the PROCPRFD parameter.

    Assign a value to be used as the prefix of Control‑D procedure names. Then adjust the JCL of your production jobs accordingly. For details, see the explanation of PROCPRFA in substep 3 of Step 2. Install the current release as a test system

  4. Assign values in the CTDPARM member.

    For the following parameters, assign values that are different than the values in the system you are upgrading from. To find the values you are now using, see the CTDPARM member in the IOA.PARM library.

  5. Verify the Recipient Tree

    Verify that the Recipient Tree is loaded and has no errors. The analysis phase contains new checks, and can reject recipients that were valid in previous versions. Error checking in the online environment is different than error checking in the Control‑D monitor, so verify error-free loading for each case separately. BMC recommends that you correct all Recipient Tree records that are rejected.

  6. Install the Control‑D security interface

    If the Control‑D security interface was installed in the version you are now using, install the new Control‑D security interface.

Parent Topic

Installing the current release as a test system