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IOA MIB Definitions

Following is a MIB for the SNMP traps sent by the following statements:

The MIB is provided in member IOAMIB in the SAMPLE library.

The MIB is used by the software on the trap recipient side to interpret the fields of the trap message.

IOA-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN                                             


-- "This file contains the enterprise specific traps (SNMPv1) sent by     

--  Control-M and Control-O on the Mainframe."                            




               FROM RFC-1215                                              


               FROM RFC1155-SMI                                           


               FROM RFC1213-MIB;                                          


-- The OBJECT ID definitions of the enterprise:                           


IOA            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 954 }                  

IOAtraps       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { IOA 512 }                          


-- The three specific traps that can be sent:                             


veryurgentTrap TRAP-TYPE                                                  

       ENTERPRISE IOAtraps                                                

       VARIABLES { product,monitor,text }                                 

       DESCRIPTION "very urgent trap"                                     

       ::= 1                                                              


urgentTrap TRAP-TYPE                                                      

       ENTERPRISE IOAtraps                                                

       VARIABLES { product,monitor,text }                                 

       DESCRIPTION "urgent trap"                                          

       ::= 2                                                              


regularTrap TRAP-TYPE                                                     

       ENTERPRISE IOAtraps                                                

       VARIABLES { product,monitor,text }                                 

       DESCRIPTION "regular trap"                                         

       ::= 3                                                              

-- The three variables that are included in each trap:                    


product OBJECT-TYPE                                                       

        SYNTAX DisplayString                                              

        ACCESS read-only                                                  

        STATUS mandatory                                                  

        DESCRIPTION "This is the product name, CONTROL-M or CONTROL-O"    

        ::={IOAtraps 1}                                                   


monitor OBJECT-TYPE                                                       

        SYNTAX DisplayString                                              

        ACCESS read-only                                                  

        STATUS mandatory                                                  

        DESCRIPTION "This is the job name of the CONTROL-M/O monitor"     

        ::={IOAtraps 2}                                                   


text   OBJECT-TYPE                                                        

        SYNTAX DisplayString                                              

        ACCESS read-only                                                  

        STATUS mandatory                                                  

        DESCRIPTION "This is the actual text (message) of the trap"       

        ::={IOAtraps 3}                                                   


Parent Topic

Message Destination Tables